My New Years Eve

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Alcorta Coup, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. #1 Alcorta Coup, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
    So my plan was to chill with a lady friend of mine, then go out to The Radisson (a big hotel around the area) with some of my boys to bring in the new year. I originally planned on bring said lady friend and getting in a few rounds, but those plans were foiled when she said she was on her period and had to stay home to watch her little sister anyways. No big deal.
    So I get to her house, only her, her two sisters home and her dad asleep cause he was going to work at 11:30 PM. Her mom and her older sister are out at a wok party and coming back after midnight. And I'm just chillin' there with her. I tell her I'm going to roll a joint of some shit I had on me and I was going to smoke it outside. She let me roll it up in the kitchen, this is a fairly new batch that my older brother and I split. He's a more seasoned toker than me (10 years my elder) and we both agree, this stuff is pretty damn potent. I'm not sure of the name of it, Outdoor OG or something like that. I pack it in a full size raw cone, asks if she wants to come with, she declines and I'm on my way out.
    As I walk out the door I'm greeted by the thick layers of snow I knew would be there (I'm in NWI) and walk my way around the front of the garage, along the side of the house and to the back sliding glass door to chief while looking out at a small pond. Where I then take this video. It's cold out and my lungs are open so I'm getting some good hits. I smoke about 3/4 of it, put it out and walk back to the house.
    This is where it got weird. As I'm walking back through all the snow I start to feel the great high coming in. At the same time I'm thinking, 'This is a lot fuckin' snow.' 'Her whole family is going to see my footprints leading to the back... for what reason will they think?' 'They'll see all this snow and see I walked back and forth through it a few times without even shoveling a path.' 'They'll probably think I'm an asshole.' So when I go back in I ask her 'Where's your shovel?' of course she has no idea and tells me to not worry about it but I'm on a mission now. She takes me to the garage. (Just as a little back drop, I'm used to shoveling my driveway with my younger brother using two double wide push shovels with a few others to compliment it and we make the driveway and all his snow flake friends our bitches.) She finds their shovel and in my blown state I look at one of the most pathetic shovels I've ever used. Probably as little as they come. But I think 'At least it's metal, and they don't make these for nothing.' So I grab it and go outside.
    I'm trying to be quite near the front door since hers pops is still asleep. As I'm doing the path to the front door one of the friends I was supposed to go out with starts blowing up my phone-so I just ignored him for the time being but before you know it I have about 50% of the driveway done. All the paths where they might walk are cleared and not to mention all my footprints have been erased. By this time she comes out and starts telling me 'What are you doing? Just come inside.' Alright I think, the snow is still coming down anyways and I made a pretty big dent in it. So I go back in.
    Inside her dad is up about to start getting ready for work. It's always strange with him, I try to be as respectful as possible since I have no reason not to be but it's almost like he doesn't care to acknowledge me. He's a soft spoken guy and my high thoughts start going to 'I wonder what he thinks of me, some other man running in and out of his house while he's asleep. He probably knows I'm banging his daughter.' So I ask her "Will he be up getting ready for work?" "Yes." "Well that makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I think I'm going to head out now." Now she's telling me to stay saying "You just came over to shovel." So as this is going on we're right by the front door and out of nowhere I feel something coming up. Boom, there it goes, I open the front door and throw up in the gravel. I start to feel a little woosey after about 2 mins later I throw up right there again. Now I felt a little sick and embarrassed of hurling right in front of her. I start to think 'What the fuck is going on?' I make my way to my car without saying much and notice when I get there that she was watching me, haha. I explain that I threw up (she didn't realize) and I have to go back and check what just came out because I don't know why the heck that happened. I've been keeping a really clean diet and my parents were having a party at the house with their old friends where I ate some food (junk food) before I left. That's the only explanation I could think of-that and being high as a kite.
    Anyways I tell her I have to go. So I'm heading home and remember my parents' party. 'All them and their old friends from the ghetto will instantly know I'm blown.' Then I remember I was trying to go out. I call my friend back and slowly realize I can't see shit out of my car because I forgot to clean it off. On the phone with him I say "Let me call you back I have to pull over and clean my car." while he's telling me "Yea come meet me I got 2 girls with me." So I pull over clean off my car and ended up throwing up again... wtf. Chilled for a few and tried calling him back a few times, no answer. Now I need somewhere to go and I don't want to go back home. I call my lady friend "Did you're dad leave for work already?" "Yes." "I'm coming by." And the next thing I know it's 4 AM and she's waking me up on her couch telling me I had to go now. Didn't even see the new year come in, smh.
    I just thought I'd share what I thought was a pretty out there night. And so you understand, I wasn't feeling paranoid or panicked. I felt good (except when I was throwing up) I think I just got too high.


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  2. And here's a pic of that same batch on a different day.

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  3. Are you talking about the Radisson in Duluth? I blaze in canal all the time dude.
  4. No man, it's in Indiana.

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