$40.00 @ the liquor store. Converted into a bong + $20.00: Friends ripping: So I bought this, headed over to the head shop. I said these words "You know the new vodka bottle" instantly he knew what I needed. He handed me a down stem, a rubber grommit, and a slide all for $10.00. I then went to home depot and got a dremmel bit for cutting into glass and a dremmel sanding bit for stone. We then placed the bits into a normal drill. It took about 1 hour+ to make the hole. Enjoy.
Yep, guy at liquor store was like "Go get yourself a diamond bit and head over to the head shop and your good to go!" lol
yeah, i bought one of these bottles figuring there would be something you pop off leaving a hole for the slide, and was disappointed when i found out to have to drill it. still haven't gotten a diamond tip drill bit.
Wait, why do you need a diamond bit? Isn't the little hole metal? If so, wouldn't a regular drill just go right through it no problem?
A Roor that size would be at least 100 bucks more, right? I may try this myself Could you post a pic of the dremel bits you used? rep for you
Once the metal cap is popped off you have access to a thinner part of glass to drill. You must submerge the bong in water slightly below the drill area and fill the bong with water (just the base) when drilling. It keeps everything cool and no cracking. I just finished smoothing out the mouth piece more now its perfectly round. Time to get high.