This is my new setup that I put together last. It is a Dark Room DR-120! I really think my girls will be happy in this. Great circulation, very reflective (95%) and plenty of room to grow! Plus not to mention it keeps out 100% of outside light. Oh and it also has 97% IR reflectiveness to it. I ran my vent duct from my hood to my fan. Then vent ducting from my fan to a lint trap (liquid reservoir used for dryers). I then put about 1/8th a cap of Downy softener in the liquid reservoir with some water. Will the stuff in the air that makes the smell of Downy hurt my plants? I set it up like this because I figured it would be a great odor control.
Although I am a diy'er, and I even talked shit about prefab grow tents, I will admit that I love how clean looking that tent is. Nice buy, and congrats. I'm not sure if I understand how you have it set up for odor control, but I would be concerned having any kind of detergent near my girls. Pics would be helpful. Or you could just get some ONA and not have to worry about it.
I agree...without knowing what's in that detergent, I'd stick to carbon scrubber. Maybe one of the ozone systems or something? I don't have experience with those but I'm sure someone here does. If it doesn't hurt them, I'd keep doing it if I couldn't do anything's just that important, the smells will get you busted only slightly slower than telling all of your friends about your grow.
Yeah quick cheap solution would be to go buy some carbon crystals from pet stores (same one used in aquairums) get a peice of screen (like screen from window) than make a filter out of it, you can even use nylons to keep the carbon from getting out. Make sure all air goes through this filter it will kill smell and you don't have to worry about plants smelling like Downey. Good Luck
Thanks for the replies. Remarkably the inside of the tent still smells like dank!!! Thanks for the complement about the tent. I was very happy when I got it out and set it up. My girls are flourishing in their. It was like a little baby bird, spreading out it's wings for the first time! Here is a photo is my vent duct setup: The lent catcher is the little white box next to my ballast. It is out side the tent and about 5 feet from the supply fan. I don't use much Downy. Just enough that you don't know if it's dank your smelling or laundry, lol! The photo below is of my plants about 5 days ago. How do you guys think they look? Also, can anyone tell me if the plant on the lower left is more sativa or indica? It came out of a bag of some pretty decent stuff. By the taste of the buds that were in the bag, I don't think it was neither grown or cured right.
From the looks of if the lower left plant is the shortest and bushiest of the bunch. Ive got my money on a full indica.