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my new roor

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by icedevil433, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. im from nyc, but i go to school in AZ. I personally am a huge illadelph glass fan, but a few weeks ago i bought a roor tall beaker. I'm new to the forum (first post) but have been collecting glass and smoking for about 10 years now. Im posting to see thoughts/any additions that you guys might have for my roor project. I got the beaker first, then a diffused downstem, then a roor ashcatcher and now a diffused downstem for the ashcatcher. Thoughts, comments, suggestions? btw tell me if this isnt the right area for this post.

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  2. Nice glass man, I'd tap it
  3. RooR sells a great 6 arm tree perc ashcatcher. You should check that out, really would make it an amazing bong, as if it isn't good enough right now.
  4. Nice roor man, i bet she rips!
    22" beaker i think..?
  5. yeap, she rips like a champ. I usually swap out the bowls on all my glass to LUX bowls, (the opening is usually smaller) but for now im using the little glass screen type things. they have been working well, and all you have to do is leave them in a bowl of 91% isopropyl for about an hour and they're clean again!

  6. i saw that online but I couldnt find a place that had it, I almost bought a sheldon black with the 6 arm tree perc.
  7. please someone help me out. i cant for the life of me find a place to buy a roor or zob. i came to this site to hope someone can help me. i live in central vermont so if that helps. i'm not trying to jack your thread. ny and vt are next to each other so maybe you know a headshop who sells them and would ship it.
  8. Just check some headshops and see if they can get one in for you
  9. Nice RooR and nice pad.
  10. nice piece man!!
  11. Nice roor bro and looks like you have a nice spot to toke. The correct section for this was toking tools though Bro.
  12. Let me be the first to welcome you to the RooR club :wave:
    your lookin at the proud owner of a 2foot straight tube german ROOR with a yellow label.
    happy toking :bongin:

  13. you can try buying them online, i never have. in terms of headshops that will ship...cant help you there. i thnk sells them
  14. Looks pretty sweet to me!

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