I just brought this home from the local smoke shop tonight. My first roor bong, I'm gonna go smoke out of it now. Just wanted to share my excitement with everybody
Yeah me too. The guy had one with the logo in black that I was gonna buy, Than he was showing me some new ones, I saw the red one and got it. it took me while to decide to drop the money or not but I haven't had a new bong in a while so what the hell.
How much did you drop on it bro? No big if you don't wanna tell, but im trying to figure out of my local shop is jankin me on the prices
hahah funny you bring that up cause I started thinking, what if I got oversold on it??...Anyway he had the black one priced at 129 which was why I wanted it to begin with, than he said it was a mistake the price tag should be 199 but because I always go there to buy my shit (literally never bought anything anywhere else) he sold it to me for 149, he just got it today from the shipping carrier, he got some other sick china made glass too, this triple perc he got was so badass...250 though, I wasn't really about to drop that much on china, shit breaks too easy, it was sweet though. that was a really long sentence oh well
Ya look at the joint and the ice notches. Both are real small, the notches should be nearly touching and the joint should be way thicker. Not to mention, the mouthpiece is on the thin side as well. Fake bro, sorry to tell you, but if it's thick enjoy it, otherwise try and get your money back.
gay, really?!? fuck that means I gotta go back in there and be a dick to that guy, *sigh* this just presents an awkward situation for everybody. Is there a way to "prove" that it's a fake, I mean besides what you guys already pointed out? that's kinda just speculation really, I mean taking your guys word over his, I think in order to get my money back I would need something concrete to throw in his face. Otherwise I got fukkkkeedd
Bring the headshop owner a picture of the one that should look like yours. Like find a picture on the net of the same model/shape/size of the one you supposedly bought and bring it in. AND/OR Bring a list of stuff written down that's not legit about it. The guys in the thread basically wrote a lot of stuff (small base, etc..) Bring it in and show him the list/explain.. Good Luck
returning unbroken pieces to a headshop even if unused is almost impossible... They'll probably listen to your list, then tell you something along the lines of "fuck off" in a very nice tone that will have you coming back for more... JK, but seriously, if my headshop screwed me like that- I'd find a new store...
Just remember if they say all sales are final just tell them that "you sold me a roor and this isn't a roor. I want my money back or I want a legit roor." Print out this page and possibly the stickied thread at the top of the forum and let them know that the information could help them out. For all you know the owner thought it was legit and he got ripped off to and would like to know, just bring that up and you won't seem like such a dick.
After looking at the pictures full size for a while, I realized that this is one of those tubes that really makes you second guess your observation. In that first picture, there is an odd shadow on the foot that makes it look like the base starts in two different places. It may not actually be as small as it looks. Can you get a better pic? Also I've seen small notches on some US ROORs. Their quality control really hasn't been outstanding over the last few years. For now it seems there are too many weird inconsistencies for this to be real.... but honestly I'm not fully convinced its not all just coincidental. OP... did all the tubes in the shop have that sig or was there a variety among the "ROORs"?
I know nobody wants a fake but for $150 thats a sick bong fake or not, you will enjoy smoking out of it
I was thinkin just that, him and his people at that store have always taken care of me, this would be the first time I ever got screwed, so I'm thinkin he might not even know that it was a fake. Funny what you said reminds of that scene in Gladiator, "you sold me...queer giraffes, I want my money back." Agreed, after I read that you guys thought it was a fake, I started reading up on them and it didn't seem like it was fake, but still could be a very good replica. That could just be me hoping that it's not a fake though. As for the other sigs on the other ones, I never really looked at any of em, I didn't really know about this fake shit till you guys mentioned it, than I was like "uh-oh." Anyway so here's the story about the other ones that I do remember, All the other bongs were the exact same as mine from what I could tell, they all looked exactly the same except for the Roor label, black yellow white red, they had a few colors. I never looked at any of the sigs was gonna go do that today actually. They also all came in roor boxes, I know that doesn't make them legit, but I don't actually know if Roor uses Roor boxes. I'll get some more pics in a few minutes loaded up. Thankks for the kind words friend, yeah it's still pretty sick. With any luck it'll turn out to be real and none of this will matter, but you're right in the end I still come out with a pretty sick bong. It's not like any of my friends are gonna tell it's fake. I was thinking though that if it does turn out to be fake than instead of making the guy give me my money back (cause I want a bong, roor or not) I'll just see if he'll trade it for this super sick triple perc he had, it had 250 on the price but I figured if I'm as good a customer as he said I am, than he'll show his good faith.
That is a 100% fake roor...the ice notches give i off right away...it looks like they wont even hold the ice as it begins to melt and get smaller. Also the joint looks way off...its like female end of a downstem attached on an akward angle to the side of the tube. I would celan it up 1000% an bring it back to the shop...if the shop gives you a tough time just say you know a lot of people and will spread the word that they take advantage of customers by knowingly sell fake products. See what they say about that. P.s. OP if your looking for a solid str8 tube...check out US tubes.