My New Puppy / Journal, Growth Log

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Vicious, Jan 18, 2010.

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  1. In my life i've had 4 dogs but they were already grown or more attached to my parents, so to me this is my first real dog. I had been wanting a puppy and found a beautiful 9 week old black pit. Someone had a hold on him and I could pick him up the next day if they didnt show up, which that didn't for the past week. Well, the next day they ended up getting him. I was bummed.

    I ended up doing some searching and found a lab puppy I really liked, I ended up calling and he was adopted as well, then the lady told me she only put one picture up but he was actually a from a litter of 10. So after a 2 hour drive one way I ended up snagging one of his brothers.

    Hes 8 weeks old and a total pain in the ass, but I adore him. Hes teething so hes bitting the shit out of everything, but I already have him partly house broken, he'll go if he can't hold it, but he knows to try to make it to the door or he'll wimper or bark to let me know.

    I feel bad about my cat though, he hisses at just the smell of him, yet hes never had a problem with another dog, vet says he'll get over it though.

    Honistly I feel I got the pick of the litter, he has a perfect temperment and is just an all around alpha,

    Anyways, here he is. I'm still trying to come up with a name, blaze crossed my mind but I've just been calling him Rav, which is short for Ravant which is a name I use to use.


    We were told he was pure lab, but im wondering if the father had a little pit in him.
  2. Super cute! Dogs FTW

    Have fun!
  3. ahh that pup looks adorable, grats on the new addition to the family :hello:

    i bet you look forward to the years to come ;)
  4. Big Bear likes your puppy :D
  5. I miss my dog being that small. Very cute dog.:)
  6. I have a 7 month old yellow lab, he is now 70 fucking pounds. 5 months ago he was about the size of your puppy. Its insane this dog is going to be huge. Raising a puppy is a lot of work, right now hes out in my yard running around with a 6 foot stick in his mouth.
  7. Aww a cutie, I wish animals stayed this small. My friend has a chocolate lab as big as a horse!
    (Not literally horse-sized apparently)
  8. i think blaze is a good name. idk tho, its yours so whatever you want. He looks cute. My dog was jealous when we got 2 cats but she got over it so your vet is prob right about your cat.
  9. UGH! i would kill for a pit! i want one so bad they are supposed to be the most k9 dog there is. right now i have a labordor/pit mix and shes adorable, alll white with one black patch on her side in the shape of NJ so we named her jersey!
  10. *deep breath*

  11. Hes grown a good bit and is turning into a ery handsome dog, i'll update pics, if i can change the title to my puppies grow journal i'll make a new thread tracking how much hes grown and put up a couple videos.
  12. i wish my puppy was that small still. hes around 8 months old german sheppard american bulldog mix, he's probably around 80-90 lbs now, but its all muscle dog but hes such a baby haha
  13. Great looking pooch man there always the best when there puppys except cleaning up after there accidents but overall are definatly worth the work
  14. great looking pup. Just assert yourself as being the dominate one early on and you two should have a great relationship. As for the cat, just give it a few weeks and the cat should start tolerating him. Just make sure to correct the dog when he starts indulging in his predator instinct and chases the cat. Also, since you have never had a puppy before, i reccomend reading this: Puppy Tips | Cesar Millan

    scroll down to the bottom to stage four. should give you most of the info you need.
  15. #15 leafsmoker212, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2010
    Really cute dog bro. Take good care of that pup:D

  16. thats not even remotely funny.....

  17. i hope your still joking, but there are some shitty people out there, and the hate i feel for you cant be described.
  18. yea, because throwing a dog that just wants to be loved into a ring where a monster pit bull "ripped him to shreds" totally isnt mistreatment.

  19. you think a pit bull isnt strong? there the only dogs capable of pulling 30x there own body weight, thus the reason there the dogs you most often see fighting. you must have been a shitty fighter to have not known that. but evidently your stuck in your own fucked up thinking that dog fighting is ok, so im done arguing with you.

  20. My dog was a pitbull too but the other dog was some kind of crazyass monster. It wasn't beefed up because I wouldn't let ma buddy fight if he was getting juice up his butthole. Or I would assrape my dog with anabolics too. But the fight looked clearly in favor of my dog. My dog had to wear an eyepatch after he got scratched once by another dog and his nickname was "Pirate" so when they fought he wore a pirate thing around his chest and he loved it cuz he was a straight killa and it represented him real good. He died how he lived, that dog was an ice-cold motherfucker but we looked out for each other. I fed him and pet his belly and wrestled with him (But no biting) and he protected me and attacked people I didn't like for me.

    You can say whatever you want but my dog was a killer and if he wasn't with me practicing his anger with other crazyass dogs, he'd bite the head off some little baby in another family.

    I don't think OP's pup is a killer, he doesn't have that ice-cold motherfucker look in his eyes. He looks like a cut puss pup and that's good but he needs some backup from the other boys in case he beefs with another pup over a mama. My dog fucked up dis one dog one time cuz he was hittin on his lady. He mike tyson'ed that dumbass's ear. Was mad crazy.

    Ma dog just walked up to that dog pretending like he didn't know the either of them and soon as the mama recognized him and got embarassed him, he bit the dude's ear off and spit it out. The dog ran home and I got charged with some bullshit, they wanted to take my dog away from me bcuz the nighbors said they saw one of the fights. I know what neighbor it was too cuz we kicked him out for stealing someone elses dogs. But he violated the ladys butthole as punishment.:hello::hello::hello:

    Benny was the awesomest dog I ever seen, I'll see in you hell, ma killah!
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