My new piece..

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by ziggy513, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. So I picked up this nifty thing today for $40 :D help me name ittt.

    has an ash catcher, perc, and ice catcher. It says VP so I'm guessing that's the brand haha.

  2. Thats a pretty cool little tube!

    Milk shots?
  3. That thing is actually dopeee
  4. Yeah i kinda dig it. Nice pickup for $40
  5. Well since it's black and white and says VP on it I say something classy. Maybe just call it VP like vice president or some shit. Gotta smoke from it first though.
  6. just smoked it with my bro and sis. his name is casper :smoke:
  7. NICE

    Love that name


  8. FROSTY the MILKman
  9. that is a sick bong, especially for $40.
  10. Hell of a deal bro
  11. looks like a great piece..happy tokin :):smoke:
  12. Where did you purchase that pipe?
  13. thats dope, i remember i paid 50 for a POS bong with only an icecatcher :/ .

    i like the Vice President for its name.

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