Alrighty, never thrown up any pictures on the City so I guess now is a good enough time. I went down to OPM in Providence this weekend, and it was just amazing. Anyways, I walked in there determined not to get anything and when I saw this baby I knew I had to get it. Also are pictures of my spoon, Skeeter, named after the character Skeeter from Doug. I like to name my pieces, anyone got a good one for my new one?
that is one crazy looking one hitter... the spoon is DOPE i don't think ive ever seen a one hitter that looked quite like that though, nice find
lol, i always end up getting something when i dont plan to when i visit the headshop. and that one hitter looks pretty unique.
haha ya I like buying pieces where there is no chance in hell of ever seeing someone else with a similar one.
hey z12z, have you been to the quickie mart in rhode island, i think its in woonsocket, right next to bellingham, that's where i bought my bong, the guys there are the man, he have us like 3 free blunt wraps, i hear opm is sick, i want to got there
Na I haven't man, I'll definitely check it out when I'm down in that area. And I've never played soul caliber, but I'll take your word for it.
haha yeah it looks like those. The halloween witch fingers. Is it glass ? (is it painted over one of these ?