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My new one-hitter, and my favorite spoon.

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Z12Z, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. Alrighty, never thrown up any pictures on the City so I guess now is a good enough time. I went down to OPM in Providence this weekend, and it was just amazing. Anyways, I walked in there determined not to get anything and when I saw this baby I knew I had to get it. Also are pictures of my spoon, Skeeter, named after the character Skeeter from Doug. I like to name my pieces, anyone got a good one for my new one?





  2. thats a sick spoon man
  3. that is one crazy looking one hitter...

    the spoon is DOPE :smoke:

    i don't think ive ever seen a one hitter that looked quite like that though, nice find
  4. looks like a glass crack pipe lol
    cool stuff
  5. lol, i always end up getting something when i dont plan to when i visit the headshop. and that one hitter looks pretty unique.
  6. haha ya I like buying pieces where there is no chance in hell of ever seeing someone else with a similar one.
  7. nice glass :smoke:
  8. Thanks dude.
  9. hey z12z, have you been to the quickie mart in rhode island, i think its in woonsocket, right next to bellingham, that's where i bought my bong, the guys there are the man, he have us like 3 free blunt wraps, i hear opm is sick, i want to got there
  10. That one-hitter is .... unique
  11. That bat looks like something out of Soul Calibur.
  12. The pics are in focus.
  13. Na I haven't man, I'll definitely check it out when I'm down in that area.

    And I've never played soul caliber, but I'll take your word for it. :)
  14. Noice glass.
    Haha my dogs name is also Skeeter
  15. That one hitter looks kinda weird, is it even glass? lol looks a lot like one of these:

  16. i would trip out if i was smoking out of that one hitter
  17. haha yeah it looks like those. The halloween witch fingers. Is it glass ? (is it painted over one of these ?:D
  18. Just make sure you don't smoke salvia with that thing around or it will freak the shit out of you.
  19. yea lol i was thinkin the same it "the claw" nice piece man!
  20. nice glass. I wonder if they ship across state lines...?

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