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My new neighbor is a cop.

Discussion in 'General' started by JoesTheShow, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. So my old neighbors moved out about a month ago, and the new neighbors moved in a couple days ago. I decided to be a friendly new neighbor and I went to introduce myself. We were talking a while and eventually he mentioned to me that he is a cop. I just that to myself oh shit, no more parties or smoking weed in the back yard just basically ruining all my fun. I live in a townhouse and my house is attached to his, I don't know how that's gonna be, now my friends and I cant even talk about weed without worrying about him hearing it through the wall. I'm just really pissed that there is a cop car in the driveway adjacent to mine.:mad::mad::mad: Does anybody else live near a cop?
  2. This is your chance to FIGHT AGAINST THE MACHINE !:metal: Screw opression, you´re a free man ! Or at least as long as you don´t blow the smoke in his face. Try to approach the subject of weed smoking to him, to see how he stands to it. If you play your cards right you might end up smoking with a police officer.
  3. iv had several poliece officers live next door to me and there are cops that live all around in the little community that i live in and they really dont care. since they are home they are off duty and cant do a damn thing about busting u. as long as u dont act stupid or ur friends act stupid u should be cool.
  4. I have a officer who lives across the street from me. He's actually really chill and pretty smart. Don't let the fact that he's a officer preclude you from making another friend. And yeah, they really couldn't care less if you smoke for the most part. Think about it. He doesn't want to move in, bust his neighbor, and then be that guy on the street who busts his neighbors.
  5. as long as your neighbor isn't on duty I don't see why he/she would care
  6. Your right. But some neighbors might praise him for getting rid of a “dangerous pot head”. A lot of my neighbors are old and think all pot smokers are stereotypical gang bangers.
  7. hmm I'd be cool with him so he will know that your not a "dangerous pot head"
  8. Honestly its not as big of a deal as you think. Just treat him like a normal person and there shouldn't be problems. I mean if he did have a problem, your his neighbor. He won't go straight to busting you he'd simply talk to you about it before anything. But even that event is unlikely to occur.
  9. depends which type he is to be honest, the ones who would arrest there own mums are not the ideal neighbour even if you didnt smoke
  10. in my experience, cops dont care about some kids smoking pot, they usually only care about dealers or growers.
  11. This could actually work to your advantage. Become really good friends with the cop. Maybe hes chill and then you won't ever have to worry about getting busted again because he'll have your back.

    Or maybe he's a d-bag, which is a very likely possibily.
  12. I have good friends who are cops and family and one of there number 1 rules is not to piss where they sleep if you get my drift.
  13. haha damn that sucks, id still blaze outside

    fuck da police

  14. this.
  15. At least you never have to worry about your house getting broken into.
  16. My dads a cop and I smoke in the backyard all the time. Hahaha
  17. ^this.
  18. my neighbor is a cop he lives right in front of my house. He doesn't really mind me smoking out front because his son who looks like lil wayne but with longer dreadlocks lives with him and hes always smoking a blunt on his front porch. I guess it's kind of a good thing because no really random cop cars come down my street because they know my neighbor cop is watching this street.
  19. aww shittt lakeview terrace!!
  20. It's not that big of a deal. I lived across the road from a cop for 6 years and no hassle at all.
    This was while I was in high school, having anywhere from 5-10 people over at lunch for shed blaze sessions.
    Dont give him a reason to hate you and you'll be fine.

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