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My New hydro :)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Danny-Danger, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. this is a pic of about 7 grams of my new hydro. not sure the strain. i flipped one of the bags over to show the random nike swishes. xD i love my supplier.

  2. sorry to burst your bubble but thats not 7 grams.. maybe 2.5
  3. lol nah its from a new guy so i was sure to weigh it when i got home. it looks like a lot less than it is. i thought i was getting gyped at first too.
  4. Haha, man it just looks like 5 dimes to me.
  5. Any chance of some macro/close up shots?
  6. i know lol. later ill take a pic of it all on the scale. when i got it i asked him to weigh it for me cause it looked so effing short. and he said his scale was broken, so i get home and im kinda pissed and i pull out my scale like ready to call the guy and bitch cause i was short, i take it out of the bag. throw it on and BAM....6.7 I still look at it and go... how the hell?? who knows. maby its like some magical super dense weed. maby it will last a super long time too but hey... i honestly doubt that. :)

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