my new dubbler

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by oxpk, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Just got this piece yesterday and tried to have a naming sesh with a few friends. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we all got too ripped to even think about names.

    Attached Files:

  2. Nice. What'd you pay for it?
  3. how does it hit man? i've never even seen one of those.
  4. whats that second chamber thingy for the one on top of the bowl but below the mouthpice

  5. thats just a clear glass part of the piece goin from the first chamber to the second. I hove one that all clear i love it. Peace.
  6. It's about the glass not the cash
  7. the guy at the store tried to convince me that it was retail price 120 and he was letting me have it at a steal for 90. I managed to talk him down to 75 before giving in and he was still a dick about throwing in a free screen.
  8. the hits have been amazing. i've hit double chambers before where the second chamber hasn't made much of a difference, but this thing is the closest to a bong's smoothness of any bubbler i've smoked.
  9. Sounds amazin bro.
    Would love to have a session wit' that.

    Sweet piece.

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