My new bub I picked up

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by streekstruck, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Glass on Glass
    Ash Catcher
    It hit's like teh shit.

  2. very nice my man
  3. Wow, who makes this?
    That is an unusual looking piece.
  4. I got it down at my local headshop. Dude gave me a great deal on it. Later that night my buddy drops it and breaks the ash cacher.and the bowl so now he's in debt to me 75 bucks. lol suck to be him I guess.
  5. Sucks for both of you. lol.
  6. 75 usd?? im glad thats not my local headshop
  7. It's the only headshop I'll shop at here in Kansas City, Mizery.

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