I final found it, my perfect bong! It's nothing fancy in terms of percs or anything like that and even though I was dead set on getting with percs, I love more than I would any other bong. It's just an 18 inch Blue Label Illy with a matching 6 hole defuser downstem with a 14mm worked Conrad bowl. I got it used, but I know it's legit, the dude still had the receipt from the headshop and all! I even went to the headshop with the receipt to have them tell me if it was legit! This thing is so smooth!
Since I got it used, it was only 200 for the Illy and i traded him a pair of Sony headphones for the bowl. Hahahahaha I fells weird to buy a bong used. I mean, I always thought I would get my first bong at a headshop.
Not questioning whether its real or not but why would a head shop admit to it being fake if it was? That would make them lose business and reputation hahah. But nah I love illy's if you can get em for the right price. Very clean pieces
No, what I meant was that I went in to see if they carried this style of bong and if the receipt was legit. I trust the lhs, it was The Fitter in Boulder, which has been around since like the 70's and has a really good reputation. They are one of the like authrouzed dealers or whatever.
Hey, no negativity man! I've actually been doing that man, I just lost like 30 pounds. I working on it!
Yessir, she hits like a champ! I just ordered a sovereignty gridded downstem last night after a couple of bowls though Hopefully she'll get here soon so I can get some milk shots up
I did, I got the standard 6 slit diffuser.. I even plugged up the bottom hole, now the diffuser fires even when it's sitting at an angle. Barely added any drag and made it hit a lot smoother. Even then though I was just looking for something with a little more diffusion you know? You can never have too much diffusion EDIT____________ Here's pics of my tube. http://forum.grasscity.com/bongs-bubblers-water-pipes/1087575-real-illadelph.html