My new bong guys!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Dillonmcgowan, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I final found it, my perfect bong! It's nothing fancy in terms of percs or anything like that and even though I was dead set on getting with percs, I love more than I would any other bong. It's just an 18 inch Blue Label Illy with a matching 6 hole defuser downstem with a 14mm worked Conrad bowl. I got it used, but I know it's legit, the dude still had the receipt from the headshop and all! I even went to the headshop with the receipt to have them tell me if it was legit! This thing is so smooth! :bongin::bongin:

    Attached Files:

  2. Nice pick up, as long as you didn't pay too much lol

  3. Yeah, how much did you pay? Illadelphs prices are artificially inflated I like the combo though
  4. Since I got it used, it was only 200 for the Illy and i traded him a pair of Sony headphones for the bowl. Hahahahaha I fells weird to buy a bong used. I mean, I always thought I would get my first bong at a headshop.
  5. Not questioning whether its real or not but why would a head shop admit to it being fake if it was? That would make them lose business and reputation hahah. But nah I love illy's if you can get em for the right price. Very clean pieces
  6. No, what I meant was that I went in to see if they carried this style of bong and if the receipt was legit. I trust the lhs, it was The Fitter in Boulder, which has been around since like the 70's and has a really good reputation. They are one of the like authrouzed dealers or whatever.
  7. you need to hit the gym, braj
  8. looking like you got spaghetti noodles for arms
  9. Hey, no negativity man! I've actually been doing that man, I just lost like 30 pounds. I working on it!

  10. He'd probably rather hit his bong :D
  11. is it me, or is that label on backwards?? mirror image maybe?
  12. Just got a used illadelph 18 inch straight tube myself :hello:

    Welcome to the club :bongin:

  13. I took the picture on a mac webcam, which reverses the picture.

  14. Sweet man, are you loving it as much as I love mine?

  15. ah, word. nice pick up. I have a platinum straight, I use it as my daily driver and it's bangin

  16. Yessir, she hits like a champ!

    I just ordered a sovereignty gridded downstem last night after a couple of bowls though :smoke:

    Hopefully she'll get here soon so I can get some milk shots up :D
  17. Really, you did you not like defused downstem that came with it?
  18. #18 sourdyon, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    I did, I got the standard 6 slit diffuser..

    I even plugged up the bottom hole, now the diffuser fires even when it's sitting at an angle. Barely added any drag and made it hit a lot smoother.

    Even then though I was just looking for something with a little more diffusion you know?

    You can never have too much diffusion :hello:


    Here's pics of my tube.
  19. Unless you're hitting oil.

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