My New Awesome 5-Piece SharpStone Grinder

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by BudnGraff, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. how does that fit in your pocket? thing looks huge
  2. it should fit in most pant pockets, it really depends what you are wearing, if your wearing skinny jeans or something of that type its obviously not goin to fit.

    It fits in tracksuit pants really easily but bulges a bit in jeans, so yeah it really depends on what ur wearing.
  3. with the one screen youl find that ur kief is kinda chunky but wit the two screens you get really really fine kief in the kief catcher and not as fine kief on the screen above so it gives you two types of kief to choose from.
  4. I was jus lookin at this same one

    + rep
  5. jus bought mine 2day

  6. Dude your first bookmark on the bookmark toolbar is funny as hell

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