Yeah my next door neighbor is like this 90 year old lady and if she sees you outside of her house shell like say say something to you and like suck you into her trap of talking to you for no less than 45 minutes. *lady walking down street with her kid* They both say hi like normal people As the lady walking says bye my neighbor will be like oh wait uhhhhhhhhh diiiiiiiiid youuuuuuuuuuuuuu watch the news. And if you respond it like activates her trap senses and shell just ask you a million fucking questions so you have to stay and talk to her. Even if you say I'm sorry like I have to go to the store shell fucking questions you about the store. Now I put up with her talking a ton and I have a long conversation with her like every couple days. But damn she can get annoying sometimes. I know she's just lonely and I try to help her as much I can sometimes it's like just chill lady damn.
I cracked up reading this haha. Bring up marijuana next time she tries talking to you and see what she has to say about it. Make it interesting
ask her if she wants to blaze. she'll either be down, or you probably wont talk again ^and theyre probably right, but i do understand how annoying it must be
Actually earlier this month she talked to me for an hour because she thought I was jumping on her roof on new years, wtf I wasn't even in this state for new years. Then for whatever reason she told me the kids back in the like 70s would have "pot parties" when their parents were away.
[quote name='"ptownroll"']I cracked up reading this haha. Bring up marijuana next time she tries talking to you and see what she has to say about it. Make it interesting[/quote] [quote name='"ThenPlayOn"']ask her if she wants to blaze. she'll either be down, or you probably wont talk again ^and theyre probably right, but i do understand how annoying it must be[/quote] itd be 10 x worse if they both got stoned.. Lady rambles forever OP gets sucked into infinite vortex of wrinkly skin and 'back in my day' stories i knew a lady like this. Literally 90 years old, walked her dogs all over town 8 hours a day, spotted people she saw regularly and fostered connections with people by giving them unwanted advice and by being old. Dirty habit but you gotta feel bad for em
I got neighbors like that that they'll catch me going to the store. I'll get caught up in a 45 minute conversation about nothing and everything. Lot of times I'll have just blazed and decide to go grab a drink and next thing I know I am in a conversation about the local aquifers, the lumber he made his shed out of.. ANYTHING.. He lost his job a few years ago and his wife does not work; they're in their 50s I would say and I'm one of the only people around that they get to talk to other than themselves...
Hahaha that's exactly like me, but she's a little paranoid, there's lots of Mexicans in the neighborhood that have lawn mowing services and she tells me they've stolen 7 of her hoses and 3 sprinklers. Who the fuck even has 7 hoses?
My neighbor is like that and she drives me nuts! I have been late to shit because she won't stop talking. I feel bad. She's nice. I don't want to cut her off or be disrespectful. Not to mention she's always trying to hook me up with men twice my age. I just walk the backway and avoid her these days.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I stopped in to a retail place I used to work at and ran in to a guy like this. Talked about nothing but himself for 45 long fucking minutes. His shoulder surgery. His old union job. When he went to college for 6 months. His wife is nuts. He got new windows. He had some fish for dinner... on and on... I keep backing off and checking the time and he won't get the hint. Was driving me up a wall. I get that he is lonely but just the guy that he is, I can't empathize with him. He wants someone to talk to and he seriously thinks that he is interesting and maybe to someone he is, just not to me. And I don't have the patience. My wife's grandma on the other hand... she could talk forever about the weirdest stuff and I would listen to the boring bits and the repeats because you never know when a real treat is coming out. Plus she was super old and had annoyed the rest of the family so much already that I genuinely felt bad for her. She died about 6 months ago.
Sounds like my neighbor lady. Her names Betty. We call her Sweaty Betty. She has a hunchback and tells you the same exact stories every time she catches you. I've talked to her at least 20 times since I've moved here, but she never remembers who I am. She will even come over at the weirdest times to bring us some sort of snack food she decides she doesn't want anymore. And it literally takes her 15 minutes to walk the 50 feet from her door to mine with her walker. She moves slow but her trap is hard to get out of.