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My neighbor found the butt of a joint in between our houses...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BladeMaster, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Say it must have been your sisters friends or some neighbor kid. Then ride your bike past the neighbors house every day and knock over his trash cans.
  2. Even as a kid i would have told the neighbor to go fuck himself.  No way he can prove it's yours and parents don't appreciate sketchy fucks messing with there kids.  As a father I would tell the guy to fuck off as well.  As a parent of a teen I wouldn't condone pot smoking from my kids but it is honestly not the asshole neighbors business.
  3. #43 yoyoloto, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    Chillax bro just act like you don't care. Your dad will assume its someone else who snuck in to smoke unless you act suspicious, so be cool.
  4. #44 BladeMaster, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    Thanks, guys. I appreciate all of the advice. Turns out, I'm good for today. He hasn't said anything, and him and my father HAVE talked to each other. I was even there, all they talked about was the Super Bowl. No weed. No nothing. Whether or not he says something in the future is beyond me, but it'll be old news by then. I'll be tossing my roaches down the toilet or something. I'll figure it all out. As for the roaches that were once there, if the topic is ever brought back up, "The wind will have blown them away." I'll be smarter next time I toke, that's for sure. The only thing is, when I walked past him on my own on my way to get the mail, he just went, "Did you say anything to your father yet?" Of course, I didn't even mention it. But, he's playing cool for now and keeping his mouth shut like he should, because after all, it really isn't any of his business to begin with. The roaches aren't across his side of the property-line, so what's the problem anyways, right guys? Lol, but whatever. I'm gonna smoke some Kief and go to bed, man. Peace out, GC. Happy toking.  :bongin:   :metal:   :hello:
  5. First off was he like on his hands an knees searching the grass to find that? Wtf, i throw roaches out my window all the time at least 20 are out there right now and i know i couldnt just walk outside and spot em i would have to get down to the ground and look close

    I would just tell em whats up he got a prob tell him to fuck off whats he gonna do call the fuzz? lol
  6. Seems like he expects you to own up to it like a good little boy or he was just fucking with you from the beginning 
    The guy could have been mowing the lawn or picking something up or the grass is really short and he recognizes a roach when he sees one
  7. lol this thread...
  8. Just bring it up to your dad first. Say the neighbor is accusing me of smoking weed when I would never do that, so go talk to him and tell him it wasn't me. If I told my dad that, he would tell me to tell the neighbor to go fuck himself, and my parents are highly against drugs, but wouldn't think I do them

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  9. I got another

    Call the cops and tell them you saw your neighbor smoking weed and that he offered you some beside your home.

    That'll teach him
  10. Not gonna lie the ending was anti climactic
  11. get a coffee tin, bury it in the ground. Put the roaches in there, and when you're done cover it with dirt, or leaves, or whatever. 
  12. Was it your joint he found

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  13. That's actually a great idea, I don't see how this could go wrong.
  14. That's why I always break up my joint and throw pieces in different directions/gut the roach and eat it. No evidence in tact.
  15. I smoke normal fags with roachs? Just tell him its a tab you were smoking earlier?
  16. burn the roach or just fuckin flush it.. depending on your metabolism you can have it in you for a while depends how much you consumed.. if say 5'7'' 130 lbs. consume 1 gram . week or two later it should be out. running helps it get out
  17. Oh man, you can't waste roaches! Save em and roll em, or put em in a piece and smoke em like I do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  18. U shoulda just straight up told the neighbor "yes it was mine. Either u can join me or u can be a little bitch about it but just remember that snitches get stitches" and walk away.. it kinda seems like he wanted to join u since he was smiling..
  19. Im surprised my neighbour didnt say anything to me about all the finished joints me and friends flick over his wall (cunt neighbour btw so fuck him)

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