My Name is Nick, and I come from a far off land called D.C.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ThatGoodGoodBud, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. :wave:So I just created an account and was told to post some shit about me here, so here goes:

    Add me on highdeas if you want: paperswin the username, because in my opinion, papers >blunts. Some things to know about me, yeah I'm a stoner, but I still get shit done with my life, so fuck what people will say. I love life and will make the most of it, and cannabis is one of the finest things nature has to provide and it is a shame how our culture views it. (DAMN YOU ABOVE THE INFLUENCE) **ROCK ON NORML, you have my full support....anywho: I'm outgoing, love chilling with amigos, played ice hockey...okay you guys really don't care about all this, I'll tell you waht you care about....Oh wait, before I do that, I just want to say my high peev would have to be people who smoke to fit in, or because they think its cool, you guys know, the people who brag about how much they smoke, how high they are, and how dank their shit is. I'm a type of guy who doesn't give a shit, if your cool, I'll smoke you out and be your best friend. Okay, now back to pot stuff: :D

    My favorite types of bud would have to be 1. Organic Green Crack. 2. AK-47/Sour D (I put those two together because I typically smoke them together to get that "damn high" feeling.) and finally for number 3. Lemon Kush. My preference for smoking from most enjoyable to least would have to be: bong (with 6 cyl perculator always :D) - vaporizer - joints - bowl - L's.

    So, the state of virginia has some BULLSHIT Marijuana Laws. Unfortunately, I am unable to smoke as of just recieving my second possession charge, I'm going to keep it cool for about 9 months to let this all blow over, then I'll be back to blazing, haha just smarter this time to not get caught again.

    Thomas Jefferson once said, "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

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