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My mother and Multiple Sclerosis

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by ChimpX, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. #1 ChimpX, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    I don't live my parents anymore, but I still keep in close contact with them. They know I use marijuana, and have for a long time. My dad smokes, found out about 2 years ago. I always remember that "weird" smell my dad would have when he would come into the house from the garage, haha.

    My mother was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and is in a lot of pain, beginning to get tremors, and her stress level is building. She does not like the way her current pain medications make her feel. A couple weeks ago I brought up the idea of here using marijuana for treatment. At first she is like no, I don't want to be stoned all day! So I laid low on the marijuana talk for a while. Then today she brought up the idea of trying out a holistic treatment for her MS. She then began to talk about all this herbs and remedies she read about online. I said to her, "Mom, you know marijuana is a herb right?" She turned to me, had a smile on her face, and did not get defensive. I am beginning to think she might not think it is such a bad idea after all.

    Now my question is, how do I go the next step? Do I show up at the house on one of her off days with a joint and say here, try it out? I have access to some nice Indica/Sativa hybrids which I think would be perfect for her. She is off tomorrow and I am thinking about doing it. What are your thoughts? Also, does anyone know of any good links for the use of marijuana with MS?

    Thank you.

    P.S.: I do not live in a medical marijuana state.
  2. I dont think there would be anything wrong with telling your mom you have a joint and if she wants to smoke it with you. Just remember to not force it onto her and your all good!
  3. Just offer her a joint, and tell her 3 or 4 tokes should get her stoned enough, especially if its good pot.If she likes it, maybe start supplying her a little untill she can get her hands on a card.
  4. Try making some edibles, make cannabutter, you can use it in anything that you use butter in. Only now its medicated! Just try small amounts at first, and remember that edibles take longer to kick in. Don't let her do too much, or she will be overwhelmed at first.
  5. Go in armed with science and a few pre-rolled joints. Give her the printed up abstracts and articles, ask her to read them and then, "if you care to try it, I have a little". Here's the studies-

    Marijuana derivatives may provide MS treatment

    Marijuana Helps MS Patients Alleviate Pain, Spasms

    Cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis (CAMS) study

    Cannabis based medicinal extracts (CBME) in central neuropathic pain due to multiple sclerosis.

    The perceived effects of smoked cannabis on patients with multiple sclerosis.

    Tetrahydrocannabinol for tremor in multiple sclerosis.

    Marihuana as a therapeutic agent for muscle spasm or spasticity

    Cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.

    Cannabis based treatments for neuropathic and multiple sclerosis-related pain.

    Cannabis could hold the key to ending multiple sclerosis misery

    Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh'

    Cannabinoids inhibit neurodegeneration in models of multiple sclerosis

    There are a lot more like that here-

    It's at a brand new, little, totally MMJ site (So Mom won't know what you're up to over here. lol) She may be very interested in the "cuppa" article, above- no getting stoned, just pain relief from MS with tea! Watch it with the edibles, unlike tea, excessive doses are very possible. Go slow, if you try brownies- 3 hour wait before the next one!

    And another "safe for Mom" site is It is an established MMJ site and has an older crowd than most MJ sites. Really nice folks there- They will answer any questions she has.

    Thank you for being a good son,

    Granny :wave:
  6. Thanks you!+ rep.

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