Wow this is just the worst most upsetting thing ever. I'm getting an evaluation and she realizes I'm still smoking weed in her house she knows I know but I'll never admit it after what took place the first time.So this doc and me go back and forth about it I can more than handle myself but I was also high when discussing it. Doc: New studies show it can shrink your brain and in the places that affect anger and stress Me:.. ( 10 sec pause) so it'll make you happier and less stressful Doc: It'll shrink your brain Lol Then she suggest meds and I say no telling her I refused them before and refuse to play this game with society that would rather me on man made potentially deadly pills than a simple herb to treat my anxiety. And my mom is pushing for the meds and I'm just disgusted and appalled since I'm 18 I may have to leave the house but I think she wants me in till I finish up college.aside from that any appalling feelings your parents have about bud ? I just finished reading this guys mom being happy that he sold weed but not used it.
Doc: New studies show it can shrink your brain and in the places that affect anger and stress Me:.. ( 10 sec pause) so it'll make you happier and less stressful Doc: It'll shrink your brain lmao!! that sounds like what i woulda said
yea that sucks man dont give into the meds man they are the real ones that will screw you up only leading to needing more and more meds making you the slave of the mulit billion dollor drug compinies. stand by what you believe in and dont let any narrow minded docter or any one else tell you other wise keep on smokin man
I won't take it but I don't know it's kinda dissapointing that a person you look up to from your youth is so ignorant about something...
Your mom needs an education and a reality check! First, go here- Find the section on "SAFETY" and whatever else looks good to you. Do some print ups. Next go on the web- type in the names of the meds they want you to take and "severe side effects". Don't go to just the official website- hit the ones frequented by the folks who got the side effects! Print their stories up! Let her compare for herself! Then let her read my WHOLE list- If you want to keep your messing around on THIS site secret, you can find exactly the same post at this brand new TOTALLY MEDICAL site (be good there, OK?). It's barely off the ground, so nothing there to incriminate you, or embarrass Mom! (I'm a Mom- I would definitely check out my kid's posts at a site like this, ASAP! No offense to GC- just looking at like a straight mom would do!) Here's the URL for the other site- Now for the doc- before you turn your doc on to my post- print a few of these up to counter the "shrunken brain" blather. Apparently the study that the doc quoted is flawed! Pot May Not Shrink Teens' Brains After All Swiss Study Finds Marijuana Use Alone May Benefit Some Teens,2933,308258,00.html Moderate cannabis use not harmful to the brain of adolescents, M R I study finds No brain structural change associated with adolescent cannabis use No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse (The last one is for when they go to the "Gateway" myth.) If you have a lot of ink- print up a copy of my whole list to amuse your friends with. The doc might like one too. Good luck with Mom! - Granny
What kind of meds? I'll bet they have crazy proven side-effects that are 10x worse than some fake brain-shrinking propaganda. I remember when I was thinking about meds and looking them up. One of the possible side-effects was "death" and another was "irreversible brain damage". Made me pretty pissed that I can't get buds legally but I can kill myself with pills instead.
I've been thinking about telling my parents that I smoke for anxiety. They both know I smoke, but maybe if I told them I was doing it for a real problem they would be more accepting of the idea. I have a gut feeling they would rather me be on meds, too.
'new studies show ittle shrink your brain'. Do they give any old monkey an MD now? What a fraudulent quack. I'd do everything in my power to expose him as a quack of a doctor and have his license revoked.
When i was younger and i just started driving my mom made me take a drug test before i was put on her insurance policy. She was afriad i would drive while high. So my argument was well if you trust me not to drink and drive, why cant you trust me not to smoke and drive?
dude trust me..i know exactly how you feel. the source of my depression is the wall of ignorance my mom has built up around herself. she thinks i'm insane because i don't think its an achievement to have a job, and think society is a manufactured game we all get duped into playing and essentially become prostitutes for the state....but that's another thread anyhow she told me she thinks i need to get onto some antidepressant medication, and to stop smoking so much pot.. i said let me get this straight, you would rather have me stop using an all natural medicine that helps me eat, sleep, and does wonders for my depression/anxiety, so that i can start regularly altering my brain chemistry with a totally synthetic drug that does nothing but suppress emotion? do you honestly think that will help me any more than all natural cannabis i can use at my own discretion? I DONT KNOW, IM NOT A DOCTOR. i don't even think i'm depressed..i think i am naturally reacting to an unhealthy society.
Anxiety is not a good enough condition to warrant medical marijuana. If you disagree, and you're over 18, move to california, find a doctor who'll prescribe medical marijuana for anxiety, and get your card. Good luck with that though, california is expensive, and the medical marijuana is too. If you have Crohn's Disease or cancer, then you might have a case. Modern antidepressants are very effective at treating anxiety and depression. Probably a lot better than cannabis ever will be at it.
I rather not be on man made drugs that permanently alter my mood and erection thank you very much. I use it for many reasons I don't even notice my anxiety I just used to avoid going to school. Now you may disagree and be over 18 but your opinion isn't worth two shits and has no effect on my decision despite your expertise on my anxiety from reading one post of mine Yeah it's not an achievement but the problem people run into is that they think it's not nessecary and they can do whatever they want and be bums as long as your still supporting yourself and working theres not a problem with not thinking it's a big deal.
Well think what you want, but cannabis usually doesn't do anything for anxiety but make it worse. Modern antidepressants are very effective at treating anxiety, and are very safe drugs. Sounds to me like you just want an excuse to smoke pot with your parents permission.
you realize these pills will cause dependency. withdrawal, possible seizures. and youll be dependent on popping that pill ever morning rather than smoking cannabis as needed. also you do realize they make a chemical. see how it affects the brain. then push it to psychiatrist, telling them prescribe it to people with symptoms of blank. all with little testing and no long term testing. they make the pill then make the disease and people who need that little help get fucked by the system rather than smoking cannabis. fuck those psychiatrist. i try to have a real conversation with them and there just worried about covering there own ass, legally and financially. and so egur to throw a pill down my throat. trust me i have ocd, anxiety, panic attacks, and icp (doesnt matter point is, is that symptom includes constant nausea and migraines). fuck man cannabis turns my ocd voice OFF. lets me sit down and do work rather than fucking stress and have a migraine, also, look i can eat without upset stomach, vomiting, ect. i go to docs and tell them that, im on zoloft (18 weeks and no help). xanax (allows me to ease stress but i worry about withdrawal) and some other med to ease my icp but i still get the terrible nausea/headache as a symptom of icp. end rant: fucking cant wait to move to co for college. edit: and also cannabis is free medicine, where they charge like a bitch for these halfass pills.
My dad's a cop so he completely freaked out to the point where I had a little note in my sock saying 'my dad did it' just in case he went over the edge and finally killed me when he found my bowl (I wouldn't blame him, I don't take life seriously at all and it pisses him off non stop)
Looking at your name it seems like you have some problems and Cannabis doesn't work for you in that field and you use it for purely recreation. I had a problem going to school every morning I would be bored and easily ticked off and pissed off the social games and politics and lack of rights to students would make my blood boil Cannabis makes me sit and laugh in school and have mad fun while dealing with the bullshit. The docs say it's anxiety. My therapist also says I haven;t had any problems with it for a while ( And I've been smoking daily *cept for the past week ) So wouldn't that fucking tell you something. No it doesn't make it worse when I'm high I want to go see the world and explore and talk to people more so than when not high. I think thats HELPING not hurting But then again your an expert that read one post Oh and Cannabis " Usually makes anxiety worse " You know this how ? Cause paranoid people being made more paranoid get freaked.. I don't get Paranoia I'm from the hood I walk around with a shit happens and I' m not scared attitude. All I need a chill relaxed area and I'm good b. I wake up in the morning toke a bowl get up and go to school play with friends. Chat with everyone and go for an overall pleasent time. I don't have regular anxiety mine is School based but once again this quick cumming SSRI taker shot his load to quick before you got more information that annoys me. I don't need an excuse OR my parents permission to smoke I have goals and task and will do them by any means nessecary I won't be taking those drugs instead I'll use this god made plant to help me shrug off the bullshit. Safe my ass that shit fucks with your brain. I'll stick with my herbs mon