im now living at my dads house who is being a complete prick. im feeling so emotional right now, my mom doesnt listen to me and isnt supportive. i wish i could just forget about them and have no attachments and live a free life. i really need someone to talk to atm.. i keep going through major depressive states of mind.. i feel like at any moment i could just explode and erupt in anger... which will undoubtedly leave me with being kicked out of my dads house.. being beaten up or beating him up.. or worse. my mom kicked me out because she thinks i smoke it too much. im 18, and dont even smoke in the house i go out everytime and try to be as quiet as possible. i have done everything i can to convice weed isnt the drug she thkinks it is and how it has benefited me more than anything else.. ive also told her the only thing getting in my way of moving forward with life, not having a slight personality change and being happy.. is the fact she cant accept me for who i am. i need some advice and support right now
You are living a free life. You live at home. Move out. Do as you please. Problom solved. You won't be changing any minds
Lol boy u grown, when I was 18 and couldnt agree with my folks I got this thing called a job, then this thing called an apartment Just man up, do what you gotta do and respect their space till you get your own... If we was related or friends it wouldve sounded way worse but your not my responsability and your already soft
You brought this upon yourself so the only thing you can do now is suck it up and try to move out on your own. Don't start shit with your dad that will just make it a whole lot worse.dOtDaG42
I could somewhat relate man. I was kicked out at the age of 15 and moved out to California to live with my pops. If you can't prove and change your mom mind. It's probably best to stop or just move out. Note this though. It's going to be really hard having a place to yourself and working a minimum job and if you're going to college. My folks know I smoke. Medical reasons for my migraine and some of them accept it. Good luck man think it through Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
well thats my problem. i dont want to just stop my life and have to work just so i can provide for myself.. i dont want to spend all of my money on rent and food i need that money to save for the future for travelling/car etc.. not to spend on rent and working everyday at a shit job,, i aint about that life man
I don't know your situation so I will not jump to any conclusions, but I will tell you that weed shouldn't be the high light of your day more less your life. Do you work? Do you go to school? Are you doing anything positive with your life? Maybe your mom just sees you smoking and not doing anything else. Weed for me is like a desert. I can't always have desert but if I finish all my "food" then I can have some. If you just go straight to weed then you need to reevaluate your life my dude. Depression sucks. I can't say I know how you feel cause I don't. I try very hard to surround my life with positive energy and that alone takes a lot of work. But if you haven't already, you should go out and look for a job Or do things around the house. Stay active and try to see the positive things in life. They are there, You can't have negative with out positive. Ying & Yang my friend. Ying & Yang
[quote name="tokeallday" post="19409862" timestamp="1390755692"]well thats my problem. i dont want to just stop my life and have to work just so i can provide for myself.. i dont want to spend all of my money on rent and food i need that money to save for the future for travelling/car etc.. not to spend on rent and working everyday at a shit job,, i aint about that life man[/quote]You may not be "about that life" but youre going to have to become about that life quickly, in the real world yes most of your money is going to go to rent and bills, its a fact if life and its time to grow up youre not a little kid anymore
for everyone saying to get a job and move out, theres really no way a 18 or 19 year old can make enough money from the shitty food jobs available, especially if they want to go to college to better their life. believe me im trying to do it right now. i feel bad for OP, my baptist, angel statue in every room mom was VERY anti weed but once she caught on to the fact thtat it was going to be a part of my life, at least for the next few years she became more accepting, now shes almost willing to try it herself again for pain management.
Dude you need to stop listening to Drake and grow a pair.Sent from my SGH-T889 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Guess middle tn lucky, theres factories warehouse govt jobs for the city and state and these kids still be going to school making it happen, our cost of living is relatively low you get a decent 2 bdrm apartment for 500, 2 18yr olds should be able to comeup with more than that, get in school and use a school check pay rent in advance then work part time, the options are endless u just gotta get in touch with your inner hustle and realize how bad you want it... You can do damn near anything you set your mind to kid just dont get no felonies and cut your options in half
yes, i work 3 days a week 9 hours each day. i go to college 3 days a week. i go to the gym 6 days a week, eat healthy (as i have to put muscle on) i still learn my spanish, im still happy and treat everyone like i did (perhaps even better) etc
the cost of living is very high where i live, moving out would require a job with much higher pay than i currently have and that would require an education
God damn. Another ones of these. I don't want to work and spend my money. You think life is a vacation and you can just freeloade of your parents. I hope they do kick you out so you can get a taste of the real world.
Sounds like you need to make friends to. Moving out when your 18 is easy. Hey friend you hate living at home let's get a place And split it. Or maybe stop spending your allowance on weed you might save some money. I love this entitlement generation. You kids will be useless.
Ive got friends jackass, infact I'm getting a place on MSUs campus. I'm just saying moving out alone or if all of your friends dormed up instead can make it an issue. All of my glass has meet a series of unfortunate events, I bought a new beaker bottom and named him Lemony Snickets
[quote name="tokeallday" post="19409862" timestamp="1390755692"]well thats my problem. i dont want to just stop my life and have to work just so i can provide for myself.. i dont want to spend all of my money on rent and food i need that money to save for the future for travelling/car etc.. not to spend on rent and working everyday at a shit job,, i aint about that life man[/quote]You're going to need to spend money to live dumbass. Just keep living with your dad you're obviously too immature to live your own life.dOtDaG42
Dude, you're making excuses. "People value the person who comes up with solutions, not the one who makes excuses" Think about that quote for a while. Instead of saying, "the cost of living is high", learn to budget your money to deal with it. Life isn't easy dude. Figure out how to live it because it's about to hit you right smack in the face.
i know mate trust me if i had to earn my own money to afford rent i wouldnt be spending it on weed or alcohol id be spending it on supporting myself