My Mom Isnt Making Sense

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JRE1234, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. She's freaking out about me smoking weed, which is kinda typical, but her reasons make no sense.

    She is saying the whole this has gone 'overboard' because I bought a pipe and hang with people that smoke... I don't really see how that is out of the ordinary.

    She is also calling bullshit on my claims that I started smoking to treat my anxiety disorder and chronic shoulder/neck pain and that's very insulting to me...

    She also took my pipe, visine and lighter that I payed for myself and threw them away. I love my mom, but I feel like she is making this a bigger deal than it actually is. I smoke every few days but weed isn't my life like she thinks it is.

    Sorry, I just needed to vent.
  2. I'm one of the lucky people who when I told my parents, they didn't really mind. But I definitely feel for you, most peoples parents I know come from an age where propaganda was widespread throughout the media constantly, so they tend to have a very one-sided view on the subject. At the end of the day, if you live under her house you have to abide by her rules, so there isn't really much you can do about it but try and talk it over with her, and establish everything at a calmer time. Good luck though!
  3. Thanks man. I find it weird because my mom used to smoke and told me she experimented with 2 unmentionables yet she is still mad. I can't wait to move out, haha
  4. #4 Yoda, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    How old are you op for her to treat you this way?
    PS> moms don't make sense that why we have dads...:laughing:
  5. I am of age, but can't move out yet because of circumstances I would rather not share.
  6. well shit... I know I gave my kids a lil more freedom even under my roof once they were 18.
    But like I said don't expect them to make sense to you... Not yet anyways..
    once you hit about 25-30 you may understand a bit more..
    till then follow their rules dude.
  7. Make a batch of brownies and forget them in the fridge, rent a movie and when moms all wacky, chill and laugh with her. Memories are nice.
  8. Thanks for the advice... It looks like I'm done smoking for a while... :(
  9. The frequency you get caught is inverse to the fucks given by parents. Mine were the same thinking weed is addictive, causes brain damage, pathway to failure etc. At first the would listen to nothing but each time I was caught I would continue to make valid and accurate points asking them to back theirs up with actual sources.

    They laughed in my face and it went on, over time I'd start pointing out alcohol which they consumed very regularly saying stuff they said like "why do you need a drug in your life?" Etc pointing out what it does to the body compared to marijuana etc.

    Years down the track they have sort of came to accept that it's not that bad so don't give up. Hoping to start by degree in chemistry then specialise in pharmacology so they will finally listen to the things I tell them..
  10. Haha, I wish! My grandma is more likely to say yes to that then my mom.
  11. thought this was going to be about a mom stroking out but noooo..just another kid whos mom hates weed
  12. Hey mom, want a cookie lol,

    Jk, don't do that.
  13. Thanks for that advice man, awesome stuff. My parents are clearly addicted to coffee and drink alchohol every day. When they ask me about my 'drug use' I'll ask them about theirs.
  14. Then why are you here?
  15. Haha I won't. I'm going to hint it to my grandma though, and if she says yes, I'll make a batch. :p
  16. Jus have grandma give mom a cookie lol,

    No harm done....
  17. I think your mom is just really high
  18. FALSE! my mom doesnt give a shit, my dad however....... oh man dont get me started lol
  19. HINT: It is your friends, not you.
    Clearly obvious by your own admission that it was not really an issue until you got a smoker's posse going.
    It doesn't matter what substance you are talking about, whether it be smoking bud, drinking, fuck, anything.
    It's one thing when you are doing it by your own judgement, but when parents see monkey-see-monkey-do friends swarming, they automatically stop seeing your own judgement's role in circumstances, and start factoring in their stupidity. I'm not calling it fair to you, I'm just saying that is what happens. She likely is more worried about them getting you into trouble, or worse, real drugs.
    You want to gain legitimacy? Don't bring them around. Let this little incident blow over, and then, keep any known smoking you do, to just yourself when she knows you are blazing. If you do go out with them? Don't get in fucking trouble. Do not come home in a cop car at 4am. DO NOT fuck with unmentionables at your friends' behest. The more you portray it as your own, self-controlled activity, the less she can portray it as simply 'getting fucked up' and 'the pathway to failure.'
    jah. :smoking:  - *d$*
  20. That's some great advice man... Thank you so much. I'm gonna cut off this friend group for a while. Ive actually lost my other group of true friends since I started smoking, so I'm going to reconnect with them.

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