My mom is trying to kick me out cause i smoke pot? lol

Discussion in 'General' started by baller911, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. #1 baller911, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2013

    okay now this is an outrageous situation lol im a 19 year old college student getting 80s and 90s effortlessly. My mom has kicked me out before when i wasnt a student and working full time and my mom regretted it and took me back and said i have to quit smoking weed. now i was being rational here, i thought hey, ill come back home and actually get an education since that was my plan and thats what im sort of doing, but my moms kinda annoying lol. I dont smoke weed in my house at all, i go to my garage pack a bowl, step outside and smoke the bong and come back inside. I dont smoke anywhere near my sisters or my family in general and my mom is annoyed that i started smoking again. She thinks for some reason that i smoke weed in the house, in fact i had a candle lit in my room after cleaning it cause it smells so nice and she started going haywire sayin "oh you smoked weed in this room i can smell it thats why you lit the candle" lol man my mom bluffs so often i just call it out every time haha.

    Well heres the shitty part, shes sayin i got till april 1st to move out buttfuck that, i go to school and osap (financial aid for ontario students) didnt even give me enough money to cover tuition and im racked up in debt from purchasing books and transportation costs on my credit card. I am broke and I dont think i want to get a part time job and grind out the next 4 years of my life. I plan to finish my 4 year program in 2 years so i can just start making money asap but if i get kicked out im just gonna end up in a situation where i go the full 4 years and shit and i dont want that, i need to make serious dough fast haha. so tell me, how do i deal with this? i live with my mom and 3 sisters.

    My mom hates me smoking pot, i literally dont bother anybody with it. in fact she thinks im a part of a gang or a dealer or some shit like that lmao im the least gangster brown kid youll ever meet and i dont have time running around my overly cautious muslim parents to be selling weed. Well, bottom line, im a beyond broke hard working student who smokes pot and bothers NOBODY and apparently for that my mother wants to kick me out. can you guys help a brother out? any advice as to what i should do? dont give me that "respect your parents rules and dont smoke up" bullshit because im 19 and im not smoking inside my parents house so that argument is invalid. AND im not gonna stop smoking pot, thats the only way i can handle studying lol.
  2. #2 KushStateOfMind, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2013
    There's no other way to put this It's her house. If you can't follow her rules she has every right to kick you out. Sorry I broke your criteara of what not to give me advice about.
    any advice as to what i should do? dont give me that "respect your parents rules and dont smoke up" bullshit]
  3. If you're as serious as you say you are about getting an education and getting out of debt, then it shouldn't be all that hard to take an extended T-break, keep the roof over your head, and food in your stomach my friend. You'll regret it one day if you don't.
  4. Tell her that kicking you out on the streets is going to be much worse for your health/safety than a little pot. If that's even what she's worried about...

    BTW, is she religious?
  5. No paragraphs. No read.

  6. my tolerance break actually ended 2 months ago, im broke right now so buyin pots not gonna happen any time soon but i will probably still get high off my buddies lol
  7. You really don't care about your education then if weed is your main priority

  8. dude, dont apologize for breaking my criteria when you did it on purpose. her rules only apply as far as the house goes, i can go outside to get high if i want and it does not have anything to do with her rules
  9. So you don't want to stop smoking. You don't want too respect the person providing a roof over you and you dont want to move out.

    Sorry but what advice were you hoping to get?

    Her rules apply where she wants them to since she is providing a home for you. Obviously she feels the same.

  10. excellent question. yes shes incredibly religious hence the whole being reasonable thing doesnt work
  11. Her house her rules. If she doesn't want you smoking there then move on.

    Show some respect for your elders dude really. You comes off as an ass.

  12. i dont know some way in which i can live with my parents and smoke pot? some way in which i can actually get my mom to stop being a stubborn bitch about me doing something that does not affect her? how am i disrespecting her by smoking pot outside?
  13. Legally she would have to evict you. Of course legally you probably can't smoke pot. In reality you can't do shit. I would make sure she doesn't see you smoking and stop lighting candles
  14. Yea, figured.

    Hit her with Genesis 1:29 or something lol.

  15. Get the fuck out of your parents house then, only suggestion that makes sense to me..

  16. i dont smoke there...fuck read guys i smoke outside
  17. Engage her and win her respect as an adult through insight, references, and discussion.
  18. OP you sound like a dick. Quit smoking while you live there, simple.
  19. Basically stop making it obvious you smoke..sad thing should just probably tell her you only smoke cigs.
  20. #20 underahoneymoon, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2013
    I have been in this type of situation about 2 years ago and I was 22. I had already been a daily smoker for about three years when my mom found out about it. My parents are extremely conservative and religious as well. It was extremely frustrating because I took the time to (respectfully) state my case with studies, research and facts and all my mom had to say was it's illegal (had my script back then) and says marijuana is as addictive as other things I can't say. She refused to even try to listen to me and be reasonable. After about a week of them praying :)rolleyes:) about it and talking with the local police force (yeah my mom is crazy) they decided I couldn't live in their house unless I stopped consuming marijuana completely (no smoking, no edibles, so THC capsules) including outside of their house.
    I thought that was SO unfair. And it was. But I was living in their house rent free. Eating their food, doing laundry, using utilities. Ultimately I had to either respect their decision or leave. So I left.
    OP no matter how unfair you think your mom is being in the end it just doesn't matter. You can choose to obey the rules she set down or you can face the consequences. Part of being an adult is realizing that yes you can do what you want and say FUCK IT to whoever you want but be prepared to dea with what happens after that.

    And as for your "I'm not smoking in the house so I'm not doing anything wrong" argument - You know and we know that your garage still counts as part of your mom's house.

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