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My mind was racing last night..(interesting)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PatrickTheToker, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. It always happens the night AFTER I smoke. My mind is just foggy, but real clear at the same time, I don't know how to describe it. Well, anyway. I started thinking about the world, life, death, space, etc. *as usual* and started thinking about how crazy it is that we have 6 people living in outer space right now. Then I thought about like if they did a space walk, and their tether broke, and they floated away, they would literally just float until there oxygen ran out or they got sucked into somthing. That would be scary.

    Then I started thinking about how Science says everything started. That in the time before time, time somehow switched itself on, out of nothing. Thats trippy on its self. So this led me to the thought of: If it switched on randomly, on its own, who's to say it won't randomly switch off on its own, randomly. Like one day time literally just stops. Space stops expanding. The earth stops spinning. and within fractions of seconds the entire universie implodes, collapes in on itself, and there is again a time without time.

    This pretty much made me realize yet again life is too short to get caught up in petty things. And not to take anything for granted. Live today like it is your last, because it very well could be. So it also made me realize there are some things I need to say to people. I have finally decided to just tell this girl who is also my best friend that I have feelings for her, and find out how she feels about me, and go from there.

    Now before you think I am just some dumb kid etc. etc. etc. I never asked her becasue I could see it putting a huge strain on our friendship if she didn't like me/it didn't work out, and I didn't want that, but it is a risk I am now willing to take.

    Wow I just realized how long this post was. Sorry for that, lol.

    Happy Toking.:smoke:
  2. thats rlly deep man, ur a real stoner to death. I hope one day i will get that feelin and finally get the nerve to tell my neighbor and good friend how deeply i love her.....happy toking :/
  3. So you ever tell her OP? it's been a month almost..
  4. Wow man, that was hella deep.. I just thought about it for a bit and got so lost with it
  5. Very nice. I'm glad you've started to think about these things, keep it up and you will definitely expand your mind..

    Here's a thought. Perhaps there is NO time, only space?

    We live, we die, we live, we die, we live, we die. But we are always alive. We are always there. Perhaps time is an illusion created to put a measurement on individual life?

    So for instance, everything is always going on, nothing truly leaves or enters our cycle it just changes. A simple flow, with no beginning or end.
  6. understood every word of it. everytime i get high i get quiet and philosophical. can't say i haven't thought along those lines before

    it did make me stop what i was doing and think though

    off to smoke a blunt!
  7. Shit I do the same thing...I consider myself the modern day Hippocrates when I'm high...:smoking:

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