Hello fellow stoner`s! iv got some very important questions and any feedback is appreciated. I`m 18 year`s old. I started smoking when I was 13 but did not start smoking regularly until i was 16. I also only smoke out of bong's and occasionally blunts because thing's like joints and vapes dont get me very high. I`v done my research, and i`v got my personal experiences. although some people, even my close friend`s, don`t believe you can get addicted too marijuana. I know for a fact its true. When i start smoking frequently, like once or twice a day, i can feel my body start gradually changing. usually in a few weeks of consistent smoking the lighter effects start happening. I cannot sleep longer than 6-7 hours no matter what time i go too bed at, my appetite starts getting fucky too a point too where i can mostly only eat when i am high. Once i`v been smoking for maybe a week or two, other effects start too slowly creep up on me. My memory is god awful and i find myself forgetting what im talking about or what im about too do. I also have lost some memories i feel i would not of lost if i never started smoking a lot. My brain feels cloudy and it feels almost like a whole layer of my brain is gone. I will find myself jumbling words in sentences and stuttering. Even just socializing can be a nightmare for me. One of the worst things is my stomach. Along with the appetite problems, my stomach is basically permanently nauseous and the only time i can smoke a bowl is if i sit there with the bong packed and wait for the sick feeling too go away as much as possible even for just a moment, so i can hit it and not want too gag or throw up. I randomly get little strokes of nausea through out the day where i just have too sit and focus on myself. and i`v also noticed that majority of times when i go too the washroom, it`s diarrhea and not normal poop. And too top it off, my brain feels cloudy and almost emotionless, when i am in my stoner mode all i do not care about anything or anybody and am almost like a sociopath. This hurts me too because it`s almost like i`m depressed and unhappy. The only time i can feel good/normal is when i smoke. (I don't even get high anymore really) The actual addiction aspect isn't really that bad though and trying too quit is all mental considering it's my favorite pass-time. I also rarely "crave" a hit, i just really want to burn. I'd like too think all of these symptoms are withdrawal, but even if i smoke and am "high" i'm still pretty much the same. And when I quit, i barely eat for the first 5 or so days and lose 5-10 pounds, but i definitely feel myself coming back too normal. So is this normal? Has anybody else suffered from this? I love smoking weed and wish i could do it all day everyday, but it isn't worth these effects. is there anyway i can maximize my smoking without these things happening too me? please help. Please do not report, Member has been suspended for 360 days, but would like to see responses. ICGreen
Weed is not for everybody unfortunately. I've been smoking for 5 years and I've never experienced those effects. Take a break, or try a different strain friend. Best buds for life.
no kids allowed. this is why we're legalizing it for adults 21+ so the TAXES from cannabis EDUCATES you little botards before you can waste half your life smoking for no reason.
That sounds terrible man I'm sorry that happens to you. All drugs affect people differently. Sadly your body doesn't like weed that much. Maybe when you get older it'll be better. You shouldn't be doing anything where the risks are higher than the benefits, and I think you've realized weed doesn't benefit you personally and you've already started to help yourself. Good luck! Ps: you might wanna look into CBD. It may help with your symptoms
Sounds like you have more health problems than just smoking weed dude.. what do you eat? do you exercise? whens the last time you told your doc about these problems...
i dont see why you guys get so alarmed at the fact that someones underage, much less only by a year? lol
I am addicted to weed and i accept it. I went to MA (marijuana anonymous) for years trying to battle it, but i have come to the conclusion that I want to get and be high constantly. I embrace my addiction now. Weed is better for me than sobriety. The hard part about addiction is not having any weed! Another hard part is the tolerance build up. Other than that, I love it. The only time I feel ashamed to admit i am addicted is when I am at a 12 step meeting.
Okay, well there's still plenty of research to done about marijuana so its hard to understand it fully. From my understanding though is that Marijuana is only psychologically addictive, not physically addictive. There is nothing in the plant that makes you physically crave more. If you start smoking everyday and continue, your body is getting used to a habit of being intoxicated and overtime you will need more of that intoxicant to reach the same effects, this is called tolerance. Tolerance can help activate and drive psychological addiction. In my opinion it sounds like you are blaming a lot of your problems solely on Mj though. Like no way should socializing be "a nightmare" just because you consume marijuana. You may just have a bit of an introverted personality and not even realize it. Which is perfectly fine. As for the stomach thing... I suffer from Crohn's Disease and know first hand what its like to have stomach problems.. I cannot stress enough how much MJ has helped me.It relieves my nasuea on a dailiy basis, eases my inflammation, and any other symptoms that might become present. It allows to me to feel normal for a change. Marijuana has been known to help patients with Crohn's and other IBD/IBS conditions. You might have some underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Go see a doctor.
how hypocritical of you i never understodod the "law" on that....18 years old no problem if 1 hour away from being 18. NOPE, IMPOSSIBLE,. SORRY BAN BAN BAN....smh
Especially when a good portion of this site is underage kids posing as adults. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Only around 9% of weed users get addicted. And by that I mean the clinical definition of addiction: \t\tAddiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain; they change its structure and how it works. \t \t So roughly 1 out of 10 weed users are addicted but you could say the same about junk food, sex, shopping, video games, or anything enjoyable.
I love how OP's entire post has nothing to do with any addictive issues he's been dealing with, but rather just personal experiences he's had since smoking marijuana more regularly. Sounds more like OP should just drop smoking weed altogether. OP, if you're reading this, you're not addicted to cannabis, your body and mind simply cannot handle the highs and it's becoming problematic for your daily routine; stop smoking weed.
9% of people get addicted to marijuana... But the addiction isn't marijuana. They're addicted to the feeling the thc gives them. Also note that this 9% of people are heavy smokers. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
With this logic, you could say people don't get addicted to unmentionable. They just get addicted to the feeling of a dopamine rush. It's an addiction although I don't consider marijuana addiction to be inhibiting to your overall quality of life in the way that alcoholism is.
I used to have these problems too. All of them. It seemed that for me the problem was a perfect storm of several other medical conditions that caused the effects of cannabis to mask these symptoms immediately but the actual ingestion of the smoke itself caused the symptoms to worsen. The biggest problem you have is obviously gastro-esophegial reflux disease. This disease affects a large number of Americans (many don't even know it) because our diet is extremely shitty. It is a condition where your stomach produces too much acid and pushes it up past the sphincter into the throat causing nausea, stomach cramps, nausea, and chest pain. The things you eat, and the smoke you inhale can make this waaaay worse, even though the actual pharmacological effects of cannabis can completely mask the symptoms for a brief period. This makes you think the smoking is helping, when it is actually making it far worse. You will need to be diagnosed for this by a doctor. They will then prescribe you a medicine like Zantac or dexilant which will keep that problem in check. The next problem was cyclic vomiting syndrome. No one really understands this condition, but it is often diagnosed in people with depression/anxiety issues AND GERD (also known as acid reflux). This is a condition which can cause near constant nausea and in severe cases (like mine) vomiting up to 100 times a day when triggered for days or even weeks at a time. This condition can be very serious and can cause extreme insomnia, tooth decay, and even stomach, throat, and mouth cancer. It can however be treated by anxiolytics like Xanax or Valium, and/or SSRI's like Lexapro, as some doctors believe it can be caused by serotonin deficiencies. These are serious issues that will need to be addressed before you can enjoy cannabis responsibly again. Because as I said, it may mask the symptoms perfectly while you are high, but the smoke will make it worse in the long run. So go to a doctor and be perfectly honest about everything. He/she will give you the proper medicine (after a long period of trial and error unfortunately) to keep your medical issues under control. And also you will have to change your diet to something far healthier and avoid tobacco and alcohol (in excess). Then you will have to accept the fact that you can only smoke weed no more than a couple times a day, otherwise the carcinogens will make your problems worse. After I got these issues addressed and got the proper stomach meds I can smoke everyday, as long as it's no more than twice a day or so so that the smoke itself doesn't hurt me.