my manager called me a stoner

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by (__(__)IIIIIID, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. It was actually pretty funny. I guess I'm kind of pissed because she made it seem like I'm some kind of lowlife just because I smoke grass. Whatever.
  2. the best thing to do is just shrug it off and not let it get to you there are always going to be ignorant people out there that only believe what they are told by the goverment and if you let it get to you it will just tear you apart inside

    also i suggest trying your best at work always be on time do your work to the best of your ability and possibly do extra work even if your not told to this will show her that just cause you enjoy the herb does not mean your a loser
  3. My manager is cool with me smoking because she knows I'm a kick ass worker. I guess I was just irritated at the fact that she announced it at a work seminar.

  4. That was pretty inappropriate of her to call you that, especially in a public place. But don't let it bug you, ignorance is everywhere.
  5. i wish my boss would call me a stoner in a meeting and laugh it off... but she's the principal of an elementary school... i'd announce it myself if i could :p
  6. You can't control what someone else thinks or does, just your attitude about what it is they do. Even if you do everything "right" it won't prevent someone from having an assumption about who you are. It's human nature bro.

    "Assumptions allow the best in life to pass you by."

    ~John Sales~
  7. maybe she wants you to smoke her out.

  8. Like Kenny from Half Baked :)

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