My Lowryders at 6 1/2 weeks

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by ineedweed, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. Hy guys, This is my 2nd grow - Lowryders.

    They are coming along really nicely, I searched everywhere for the seeds the cheapest I could find was £25 for 10. Just looking on they have gone up to £35!! why the HUGE price increase?

    I got them off ebay, oh how I love ebay!
    I'll post the link later If I remember it but they sent 10 free I coudn't believe it:hello:

    I pulled one yesterday as I have no bud left! I have 4 others though. Here's my two favs:

    The smoke is okay, infact better than okay, It is nice, but the high doesn't seem to last long at all. I am planning an outside grow with the seeds I have left, should be great fun.
  2. Cool man, how much do you figure you're gonna get per plant? What type of light are you using?
  3. you are early on harvest. That would be your short buzz issue. Nice looking plants though! try lowryder x Bigbud or HOG. shortens the lowryder flower time and ups your yeild. G.L.
  4. Those lowryders are looking mighty fine.. You got seeds off of ebay?? LOL the other day I was surfing ebay when I came over an add for a jack herer keyring.. I emailed the guy and asked if the seeds where there, and he replied he was selling keychains with jack herer in them?? LOL not what i asked so I passed it up cause he never said weather he was selling seeds or not LOL.. Same guy though.. I guess he was selling seeds, but didn't want to say in email?? who knows I get my seeds from nirvana or doctor chronic, but I'm glad it worked out for you, and wasn;t some kinda scam...I was actually thinking it was a 15 year old selling his bag seeds as named strains LOL
  5. Nice plants man.
    Glad Ebay worked out for you. I hate Ebay. I got scammed out of a $3500 engagement ring that I was selling on Ebay a couple of years ago (my girl and I broke off the engagement). Because I was a new customer to EBay, I did not know that there were so many bogus escrow sites, and I stupidly used one. Ebay was not at all helpful and I would never do business with them again. Too many fraudulent activities going on there. I also see lawsuits on court TV all the time involving transactions gone sour on Ebay. If anyone uses EBay be super careful. Also, only use I learned the hard way by losing a shitload of money.
  6. man that sucks. as if the broken engagement weren't enough huh? sorry bro.:mad:
  7. Thanks up4.
    I know. That totally added insult to injury. Oh well. Other fish in the sea.
  8. WOW those are so small.. Do they get bigger??

    How potent are they?

  9. Hahaha you know you just bumped a 2.5 year old thread right?
  10. I was noticing that too, but still nice to see some decent Lowryder. Good job!!

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