My little experiment...

Discussion in 'General' started by Mishkavich, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. ...Long but worthwhile read....

    Hey GC, its been a while since I've posted, but I'd like to share the results of my little experiment. I started smoking sophomore year in high school, and for the last 6 years have always had times when I smoked on the daily, and then others when I've had to stop for months for regular drug tests. So the thought of failing a test was quite frequent.

    So the ever lingering question of how long does THC stay in MY system usually lead to the search for some guidance. Some of you will look for answers, here, others will go on Google and meticulously read through hundreds of answers which will first make your stomach sink at the sight of "3 MONTHS NO DOUBT" and then save you from the dark abyss with the "Its out in 5 days"...Well, I got sick of it and decided to save myself the hassle for the rest of my long and bountiful smoking career.

    Here's a little info about myself. Now here's where I thought that this would be interesting. I am definitely NOT average. I am 6 foot 7, 300 pounds and 21% body fat. I am on offensive lineman for a college football team, so picture one of those guys. I am not FAT but I have some chub. The reason I thought this would be interesting for you to read is because EVERYWHERE I looked I got answers for the skinny kids with a fast metabolism...well sorry folks we aren't all skinny with a fast metabolism.

    The reason I did this experiment was because two summers ago I failed an unofficial drug test 29 days after I stopped smoking...and this scared the SHIT out of me. So I decided from then on I would always know my mark and after almost 2 years of experiments here are my results...

    All results began with a completely clean system...


    1 day of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 3 days
    2 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 5 days
    3 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 8 days
    7 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 18 days
    14 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 32 days
    15+ days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 43 days
    (The last experiment showed no difference between 15 days, 20 days and 25 days of consecutive smoking. 43 days was my maximum time would have to clean THC out of my system no matter if I smoked for 15 days straight )

    2nd Experiment : GET THIS SHIT OUT OF MY SYSTEM (Now THIS sucked. Took me almost 8 months of switching off between being a laid back stoner, to daily work outs and spending around 200$ on drug tests and kits)

    The Exercise: If I didn't have football practice (2.5 hours of running and sweating) this was what I would do...

    20 minutes running and getting the sweat going, 30 minutes of fat burning routine on a pedal machine (stationary bike), 30 minutes of weights, 20 minutes in a sauna. You can find all of these things in most gyms.

    Water: This was actually WAY easier than I expected. I would find an empty Gatorade bottle or from any drink, usually 16 or 20 OZ and refill it every time I went to the bathroom or kitchen. Water is HUGE for helping your body metabolize, 64 OZ a day is what your body SHOULD get, I went for 100 OZ a day...which is only 5 bottles of water...WAY easier than I expected.

    7 Day Body Cleansing kit: This can be found at GNC for 30$, every time I would start cleaning my system after smoking, I would start one of these. It kinda makes you fart a lot for the first day or two, but it is HUGE in the long run, you will see why.

    Anyway, here are my results:

    1 day of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 2 days
    2 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 3 days
    3 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 5 days
    7 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 13 days
    14 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 23 days
    21 days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 32 days
    26+ days of smoking ==== System Re-Cleared 41 days

    As you can see...HUGE difference in results. Not only did my body get this stuff out way faster, I reached my maximum 11 days of smoking later.

    NOW REMEMBER!!! I AM 6.7' 300 Pounds and 21% body fat with quite a bit of muscle. I am a giant, people have called me that. So this is probably great news for most of you skinny, gimpy ass kids. But if you've got more fat than muscle this is most likely BAD news for you.

    There is no other place that I would want to share my results besides GrassCity because anyone else would think I'm an idiot for doing this. But thanks for reading, smoke one for me, and be safe!

  2. Good work.

  3. Damn, nice work sir. +rep
  4. Wow. The fact that you took the time to do this and write this all up is just amazing. +Rep and good work.
  5. rep from me too, well done. The best data is the stuff you figure out for yourself.
  6. How is that 7 day cleansing thing?

    I bought the same one but Im afraid of mudbutt
  7. Curious: you play division one football? if you do, that's impressive. :hello:
  8. Dude. I'm so glad you did this testing.
    I'm like 6'6 and 260. Mostly fat. :eek:

    In any case now I know to wait a minimum of forty days before I can safely say it's no longer in my blood. :devious:

    I think what you did here my save my hide in the future. I don't know how it can, but it's information I'll always remember nonetheless. Thanks man.
  9. wow. good work man, this is some great information
  10. Thanks guys! I actually never meant to share my results with anyone, but I was bored today and decided some people might find it pretty interesting. And yes, I play D-1 football, can't tell you where though :rolleyes:

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