my life jus got real fuckin complicated

Discussion in 'General' started by negligent, May 31, 2006.

  1. dude if you dont die please tell us how that goes.

    if i ever get a disease with x time to live, im gonna do that.

    ive never actually heard a report of an injected speedball. ive snorted them before, but thats for pussies :D

    edit, Rasta i hated jail.

    maybe you have an easy time being accepted. i seem to find people who dont like me anywhere i go. jail wasnt an exception.

    i had a lot of "fun" in rehab. thats the reason for my choice.
  2. ^ try mixing speedballs on a stomach fulla bread

    coke h or morphine/codeine to a lesser extent dissolved in everclear or pure grain alcohol

    you'll be flying for 6-8hours with no noticable crash sure beats track marks possible seizures and the short ass high long crash and craving

    you can't trust a cotton ball imho... and cuts could be something as little as the wing fleck of a fly that got mashed in the pasto before it got refined so you stand to bypass every defense your body has with tainted shit that doing exactly what you want causes cells to contract all at once..

    bad idea stick to oral and at worst freebase or snorted
  3. thats your my hero..ima do a IV speedball..:D
  4. ya i wont be a drug charge just a technical violation of probation and what are you on probation for cuz i could give you a good idea of how long you will prolly get
  5. ya u def dont wanna go to rehab for 90 days just take tha 30 days jail aint nuttin cuz if u on misdemeanor probation you'll get put in with other people with misdemeanors too so u wont have to worry bout the guys that are gonna get 15 years or life and shit
  6. Thats the lamest shit I've heard all day.

  7. don't like it don't listen, IV speedball FTW:hello:

    and any news yet neg?
  8. well i tried gettin a refund but i didnt, they said i have to call the company, so i did that n i got an answering service that was of no help at all it just gave me a FAQ list of questions none taht involved my dilemna

    but on a happier note my dealer smoked a blunt with me n sold me a .8 of kb for 5 bucks, so thats not bad at all for sure.

    no word from the PO yet, but on another good note like 3 fine bitches think i'm hot as fuck, so at least i'll be gettin my dick wet a few times before i get locked up if i do, n if not i can use the "i might get locked up" thing for pussy purpose anyway
  9. hell yeah whats up on the IV speedball?
  10. never got to do the IV speedball cuz i didnt get a refund for the detox not working, but i might be getting 300 dollars tonight in an illegal, dangerous manner, i plan to get an 8ball of crank wit that n then i'll have 150 dollars left for the speedball haha
  11. fuck yeah man
  12. i'd say that sucks, but i'm a dick and feel i should point out that you had an option and knew the consequences, you made the wrong choice and have to suffer the consequences.... this isn't to say i'd wish this on you or that your situation doesn't suck.... but i was there once and managed to not drink or smoke for over a year... to some it's not worth it, i love bud, but i'm not goign to let it get in the way of anything in my life

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