My life is gonna suck (rant)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Toker Guy, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I've been reading these forums on and off for a couple years, I just never had anything to say. I probably won't post much after this either. Even online, I just don't like talking to people. Anyway, I really don't like where my life is going, so I'll definitely listen to any advice you guys can give me. This is about to become a long rant about my problems, so if you don't care about my issues, don't read this.

    So here's my situation, I haven't made a real friend in, let's see here... about seven years. I'm an eighteen-year-old high school senior. In total, I have had about 5 friends in my entire life. I stopped hanging out with a few of those people after the first year or so of our friendship. I have had only two friends for the past 7 years, and I recently decided that I don't really like one of them, so I had one friend for a couple years. That one person has been my best friend since before I can remember, buy I think we're drifting apart now.

    The problem isn't that people don't like me, I just don't like other people. Most people strike me as being ignorant and unintelligent. But although I consider myself to be highly intelligent, my GPA is like 2.25. Fucking pathetic right? It's so low because I am the laziest motherfucker I know. I've tried just not being lazy, but it's not as easy as it sounds. In fact, I think it's impossible for me. I just am not motivated to do anything.

    Recently, smoking weed has been the only thing that really makes me happy, but even that only lasts until I get sober, and I can't afford to be high constantly, since I'm too damn lazy to get a job. Also, I've discovered that having no friends makes it really hard to find weed, so I'm going to have to start growing after college.

    None of my friends have smoked weed, so I've been smoking alone since I had my first toke 2 years ago. That was the one time I had fun smoking socially, and I think it may have been the happiest few hours of my life. Now I'm afraid I'm never going to have any friends. I've never known what kind of career I want to pursue. I guess I want to program video games, and I'm going to major in computer science in college, but I'm worried I'm not going to be motivated enough to do well. So then I'll be jobless and friendless... damn.

    I guess I'm just venting. Any advice would be appreciated. Idk maybe i just sound pathetic... whatever.

    P.S. Oh awesome, my laptop just told me it's hard drive is failing. Fuckin fantastic.
  2. You need to rewire your whole way of thinking. Stop smoking for a bit, because you have to be able to deprive yourself of things that arent necessities. Also, try hard to get a job. I know the economy sucks, but its not a depression. And i know most people suck, but there are some good people out there, you just have to find them. There might not be any at your school, and i wouldnt be surprised. My school was packed to the brim with assholes and people I wouldn't mind slaughtering.

    But if you really want to get away from people, then work hard, and you can buy a secluded house in the mountains or something. It's also really easy to get away with a grow op in a house in the mountains, so think about that;)
  3. Most people are going to suck... you'll eventually get over it. Just finish up strong in your last year of HS.
  4. Yea exactly. Most people really do suck, and the fact that you see that just means that your one of the better people in this world. Dont forget that, and if you really want to move away from people, thats not a problem as long as you work hard.
  5. Honestly, if you just laugh and smile more people will gravitate towards you. If they tell a joke, even if it's not that funny, laugh and smile. Smile when you greet people, just appear pleasant. The benefits of having friends is worth it, people will help you out. More people you know, more drug connects, more likely you are to find people that you really get along with.

    Just don't go overboard with the laughter and smiling.
  6. Unless you plan on winning the lottery (damn wouldn't that be awesome)

    Yer gonna need a job to do half the things you want to do, even if that involves avoiding people, you'll need a job.

    If you don't like doing jobs that involve people I suggest pet sitting, you interact with very few people.
  7. you're in the best possible position in life to make friends.

    if you don't hide in your damn dorm room the entire time (i've seen it), you'll make plenty of friends.

  8. Certainly networking is good, but it takes more than laughter and a charming smile to get people to notice you. Besides, he's almost done with HS.. so I would just suggest that he focus on his grades, rather than concern himself with making new friends... HS friends to say the least. :rolleyes: People grow up, and they grow apart - especially right out of high school.
  9. Hey man, I know your pain. I went through a rough patch for a few years where I only had one or two friends and absolutely no motivation. My school marks went for a shit and I had no drive or interest to do anything. In order to overcome this, I had to put myself out there and find people with the same interests as me ( Music, video games, and smoking pot).

    I now have a tightly-knit group of ten or twenty friends, but it's fucking amazing. I ended up graduating high-school and college with honours, which felt pretty fucking amazing. My advice to you is to force yourself to go out and find people with the same interests as you, smoke plenty of weed, and enjoy life.

    One love.
  10. I made more friends my senior year of high school than in the other 3 years combined. I just started being more friendly. I'm pretty awkward, but my friends accept me for that. I basically went from the "loser/geek" crowd to the "cool" crowd.

    I'm not saying that making friends is easy, but people certainly notice when you go from being quiet and anti-social to smiling and hanging out with other people.
  11. #11 Mr. Squishy, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Hey man I'm a senior in HS too, and we're going to have similar majors. I plan on majoring in Information System Management and becoming an IT Specialist. I love working with/on new technologies.

    I wouldn't even sweat not having too many friends. I have small groups of friends that I stay true to and maybe one or two guys that are like my bros.

    My school is filled with the common "cool kid" and the assholes. I suppose every institution is just the same. Everyone around me means nothing to what matters most to me and thats getting what I want out of life (education, good job, money and a girl) None of them are going to have any influence on my life in any noticable way. I'm sure the feelings are mutual which is why I feel no need to conform to any status group in hopes of making new "friends". Most people only serve as an interruption in my daily processes anyways.

    I just pick out my friends based on whos cool and down to earth and hang out with them.

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