for a couple of days now I was thinking of joining my two desk to form a massive L shaped desk. Today I went and bought some wood and shit and put my wood crafting skills to the test. IN the end, all i can say is that I am extremely happy and of course to celebrate I loaded a bowl. And also i was a bit bored, baked and had a load of pennies on my hand so i made this
MEGA DESK!!!!!!!!!! [ame=]YouTube - MegaDesk - The Office St. Patrick's Day[/ame]
LOL "All I care about is Megadesk. That is all I care about: getting...more...Megadesk!" Thanks TheHumanTwig, it took me like 15 minutes to do but damn it looks coo
Just knocked over the whole penny tower by accident.... no biggy ill just make a different one this time... will post pics when done