My kitten ate my sprout :/

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Pixi, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. So there I was, In the kitchen. Making a cuppa tea.
    I come back into the living room to find my devi of a kitten pulling my bloomin' sprout out! <___<

    It had just broken the surface and had opened its first 2 leaves (one was bigger than the other for some reason)

    And i caught her puling it out!

    It dosnt look like it's had any root damage, shes just taken off the smaller sprout leaf, and it's still got it's 2 tiny new leaves attached.

    I put it back in the pot carefully & told my kitten off.

    It's been about 38 hours since it's happened, it hasnt died or anything. And it's grown a tiny weenie bit.

    Ditch it or keep it?

    Any hope?

    Cheers :) x
  2. I'd keep it and see how it goes. You never know it may be a tough one.
  3. Cheers for the reply mate, will do.
    Fingers crossed ay!
  4. Cook it? I mean make some General Tso's chicken with it. I meant the cat not the plant (j/k cat lovers of the world).

    Yeah just make sure you got it nice and comfy again in its home and would not hurt to give it some super thrive plant food to aid in recovery. And for the cat give it some cat nip and keep your plants out of its reach. Or cook it... :D
  5. I'm damn angry at my kitty, but I can never cook her .. she ain't lean enough yet you see ;D

    Put it nice and cosy now. I'll give it afew drops now, dont want to burn it or anything.

    I bet it will turn out a male aswell <__< Just my luck ppft.
  6. one of my potential mother plants (gender unknown on both) faced some serious heat and pH issues and lost alot of health and leaves from it. I took two clippings from the plant as well... so basically alot of stress.

    Something that I have read up alot on it plants with high amounts of stress have lower yields and potential to turn hermi. So just keep the plant in bliss for the rest of the grow to give her a stressfree and hopeful female existence.
  7. my cat does that shit all the time....not to a grow or anything, but to my roommate's morning glory flowers. every time a sprout comes up, she chews it up and spits it all over my table :(

    good thing she's such a cutie or else she'd get the boot outta the door :devious:
  8. your cat has a upset stomach...

    change the diet of the cat
  9. My Cat loves buds like catnip. When I trim, he comes around to sniff at all the buds. When the plants are young and green though he'd mack on my leaf tips. Dirty little bastard. I had to get upset at him a few times, just a good "HEY!" is about all it takes because he knows what he's doing is wrong.

    I wound up growing some catnip and cat grass in the same area as my plants to give him a deterence. Now he doesn't even go in there and I have all this extra grass to "mow."

    Fraking cats.
  10. She dosnt. She's been on the same diet given to her by the vet ever since I had her. I clean her poo out the litter tray everyday, i think i will know if she has a upset tummy ^_^

    Ahah, yes good telling off is needed.
    Hmm good idea about the cat grass, She's a indoor cat you see. Might grow some cat grass to give her something 'natural' to eat - that wont piss me off.

    The sprout today has grown a little hight, woop.
    Fingers crossed!
  11. My cats are always in my growbox when I open it. They like to chew on the lower leaves. I also grow "cat grass" for them in the grow box.
  12. Don't blame or be mad at the cat, instinct drove her to do it. Cats definitely like the smell and taste of MJ leaves, it's the grower's job to keep the cats away...

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