My job.

Discussion in 'General' started by HouseofHash, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. #1 HouseofHash, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2010
    So I have a pretty fucked up job.

    They drug test all of their cliants, but its completely random. the last time they tested me was a year and a half ago. Its a hair test, and the company said that they can find trase amounts for up to three months. I've worked here for 35 years, and i get paid fairly well, and i don't want to lose my job due to smoking. I wouldn't exactly lose my job, but i would get sent to a rehab, and i don't want to deal with that either. They hire temporary people, and don't drug test them, and then let them go. Its fucked up.

    I've only actually smoked a couple times this summer, but i'm worried that they might test me. I wouldn't have any time to prepare for it, cause they just randomly call you down and snip off your hair. How do you think i should approach this?

  2. Shave your head.

    Who do you work for?
  3. Stop and cut your hair short. And yeah where you work? I though those hair tests were expencive.
  4. I work for an industry that makes glass and glass products. Most of the products we make are used for house and car windows, and we ship all over the country.

    I can't say exactly which, because it could give away my city and state. I'm one of the best line workers that they have.
  5. 1. Shave you whole body.
    2. Go over it all with a shaving razor.
    3. Go over it all with waxing paper.

    Yes even your eyebrows...

  6. Yeah because it wouldn't be obvious why he shaved his entire body when he has a hair drug test coming up...

    Still I'd say do this if for no other reason then it would be fun to come up with a reason as to why all your hair is gone
  7. how you gunna bash someones advice and then agree with it? haha backwards..

    and he doesnt have one coming up.. its random..
  8. So does anyone else have any advice?

    They said if they find a little bit of THC, then they usually don't make a big deal about it, but i don't want to risk it.

    I have stopped smoking too.
  9. Blackmail your company.
  10. they dont care if you smoke a little weed man.

    You just said they even told you they dont make a big deal about the weed. Think about the concept of this for a second... why should they be able to analyze your body and find out very personal information.... you could easily just refuse as a matter of principle.

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