My homemade bong/pipe/stash jar thread.

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by phantomxrider, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 phantomxrider, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    I've been tinkering around with things to smoke out of ever since I started smoking. I actually still remember my very first bong... It was a Kraft Parmesean Cheese bottle, Zaxby's straw and tin foil bowl. Anyways, here's my most recent collection. I'll be adding more and more as I recycle these (my hidey hole is only so big).

    Not pictured:
    First bong I made
    First ice catcher I made
    The Tripod (I dunno what I was thinking, the thing was shaped like a triangle on its side, very interesting)
    Patty Percolator (first perc I made)
    Spicy McHaggis (used a spice bottle for the perc. Hot glue seals fell apart after stashing it outside in the winter, RIP)
    ...And some basic bong I whipped up for a quick session in my driveway with the neighbors.

    Here's the main stash jar I use:
    Here it is with err'thang laid out (3 grams of mids that are mine, and 8 triple C's a friend left over)
    Still room for more stuff!
    My bigger stash can, with a false bottom:

    Now on to the tokin' tools, where I'll update (just wanted to show off the stashes haha)
    Here's the glass on glass slide I use for all my bongs:
    Prototype for a bubbler, nothing special, made it in about 5 mins:
    My pride and joy, Frosty:
    I don't ever plan on recycling him. Made with two holiday Coke bottles from Walmart, a spice bottle for the Ice Catch and a tree perc, all hotglued together.
    He might look a bit's because I was quite stoned when I made him lol.
  2. that bong is ill.
  3. +rep. post more pictures those homemades are hella cool
  4. thought I'd let you know, that's not a glass on glass slide. The rubber grommet contacts the glass, not the actual glass.

    Nice work on the homemades though, seems like somebody still lives at home ;)
  5. haha, im 19 years old, workin a shit job to pay through college. of course i do :)
  6. that axe stash jar is sick!.
    how did you make it?
  7. thanks. basically i just popped the top off and cut off the valves (took off 1" of the bottle in all) with a hacksaw. then i cushioned the inside with tissue paper and dropped in the pill bottle. after that i put the bottle top inside the axe top and fitted it so when i put the axe top back on, it creates an airtight seal. there's more detailed instructions on the internet. just google "axe can stash jar/safe instructions," that's what i did.
  8. for sure thanks man!
  9. I love to toke from frosty.

    Bong hits never went down so smooooooothe
  10. update: jammed the poker down the hole too hard an hour ago and broke the bowl off the stem. good thing they're only 5 dollars haha.
  11. What are those little red pills? are those trip c's?
  12. the bird is the word
  13. DAMMM those are some nice pices
    frosty yeah

  14. Nice, i love DXM. Probably going to dose up in a bit!
  15. haha, ive had those laying around since last week. never had any interest in em before, a friend of mine gave me 8 when he drove me home. actually just downed them, apparently im gonna be in for a ride lol.
  16. I love the Axe stash can man
  17. Dude. i gotta make a thread for all the stuff ive made. ive had my pepsi stash can for a long time. i made a tiny bong outta THAT SAME EXACT BOTTLE WITH THE RED CAP(some decors botle thing), a 1liter bong(my first one), multiple pipes, all kinds of shit. i also just made a one hitte out of a tic tacs box.
  18. That's some MacGuyver shit right there.
  19. Thanks for the axe can idea bro, I have a bunch of old ones lyin around. Itll be great come college next fall.
  20. Hey man, I totally paid $30 for a can stash like your deoderant, but it had an actual glass jar cemented or something into the can and below the line of cement or something, it has liquid in it and feels AND sounds like a can. But Something happened I think I threaded the lid cause the jar won't stay closed anymore, and I didn't know what to do, but that spray can is good thinking.

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