My home

Discussion in 'General' started by Gonzopoly*, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Is the only place on this earth I can feel truly safe and secure, is the only place where life can be easy, is the only place where I can eat and eat and eat until my stomach hurts. What does someone do when it's not so easy to acclimate to society? When the seemingly only escape to the problems of life is to sit down and just go on the computer? Ah homelessness you're a last resort, but I don't see you doing for me what I originally thought you were going to do for me. Or if you do, it's going to take a long time.

  2. Accept your situation and where it's taking you.The rest will follow.
  3. ive slept on alot of couches and floors. aint no place, aint no feeling like your own home/bed though.
  4. Go on a trip or something man, your homeless-ness desire threads are a real downer
    Saveup for a plane ticket, go somewhere and just do something.
  5. Make the world your home and youll always be at peace.

    Homelessness is especially shitty if you aren't doing anything. Don't sit on the sidewalk all day dwelling, go check out some nature. Experience the world. meet people for god sakes. Homelessness is only a good thing if you actually make use of the resources and time you save by not having bills/a residence to worry about.

    Take the opportunity to do things only a homeless lifestyle can offer. do some traveling, go places you wouldn't. resort to shitty alternatives. Get hurt.

    Learn to enjoy other parts of life besides the internet. homelessness just makes you a have not if you cant do without. you have to adapt to life no longer being how it was in the mainstream or you should just give up.

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