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My history teacher

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pipedreamdan, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. well my history teacher was a pot head in college lol and today thats all we talked about. anyway he was all like "yeah i quit cuz i knew some guys that smoked for 20+ years and that shit makes you slow as hell. i'd say hey whats up? and they'd be like (pause)..hey man."
    im sure long term smoking will have little affect such as that but the point that i brought up during his lecture is that they were always high when you talked to them? and he's all hung up on how he thinks weed WILL lead to heroin use.
    any thoughts on this? lol just going over my day while i enjoy some dank :devious:
  2. It's always the history teachers that are Stoners.
  3. yeah man history teachers use it to make US History a lil less painful lol
  4. im a history major. Planned on teaching it ,not too sure anymore
  5. i wanted to fuck my history teacher when i was in high school. he was hot.
  6. You should caution your teacher against the generalizations he is making; as a history teacher he should be especially wary of such broad statements. While it may be true that some long term smokers in his experience are "slower" the same could be said for non-smokers. Some people stop learning, and grow complacent and dull with years, but that can happen regardless of use. I'm in my 30s and have been smoking (with some breaks) for 15 years now, and I don't believe my mind has been slowed by use. I do well at my job, stay informed and active in my community and consider myself a thinking member of our society. As to his notion that marijuana will lead to heroin use I won't bother reinventing the wheel here, since there is already a well established body of studies and informed posts here on GC debunking the gateway theory. Sufficed to say, if that were true then the 42%+ of Americans who have used marijuana would be strung out on heroin.
  7. This thread makes me smile because I'm a history teacher :) It's always the history teachers and the English teachers. You know they have to be smoking something to be able to make it through some of the shit you read in high school.
  8. i'm not strung out on heroin :p

  9. awesome!! you're my new friend!!! i'm all happystoned right now!
  10. i wonder if you were my history teacher... she was hot :cool:

  11. I doubt it since I'm only 25 :p
    But I am pretty hot :D
  12. Me too!! :smoking::eek: :D
  13. I had her in 07-08 when I was a junior so it probably wasn't you..

    that would of been crazy though :p
  14. I'm officially majoring in computer science right now, but I'm taking history classes since I plan to change majors. I'll probably end up teaching or maybe professoring if I choose to go grad. It would be cool if I could some day smoke a doob with some students after school and tell them stories of poisonous tomatoes.
  15. lol wow. "Authoritry" figures who smoke are like amazing
  16. I saw my 11th English teacher smoking a joint not too long ago. And an even funnier story involving him:

    So, my teacher is dating the mother of a friend of mine "Mary." "Mary" and I have a friend named "Bob" who is very anti-marijuana. So one day, "Bob" gets a text from "Mary's" mom saying "Hey, (teacher's first name) and I are trying to buy an O. How much will that cost?" Bob replies "What do you mean an O?" About an hour later Bob gets a text saying "O, you must be "Bob," my daughter's friend. Sorry, wrong person."

    It wasn't until Bob showed me this story that he found out what Mary's mom even was asking for. Now anytime I see that teacher of mine, I can't help but laugh my ass off.

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