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My highs have changed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Garpour, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. So when i smoked weed,i was getting heavy,psychedelic,quite euphoric highs,i had a lot of somatic experiences like my feet getting heavy,my highs also made my imagination go berserk,i could close my eyes and see various shit,and various images appeared on my mind.I could easily focus on watching some weird music videos,constantly getting the glimpse of "what the fuck did i just watch" and laughing.

    I wasnt really smoking that often,during the period i smoked the most i used to smoke once a week.
    But then i bought some weed,got high,but i couldnt focus on watching anything because i was constantly spacing out.I thought its just the weed fault,but i bought various different kinds since then and still i cant get the psychedelic,graphic,stoned,weird,obscure high

    I turned vegetarian meantime,could that be the reason?
    I hope anyone can understand me because its hard to describe a high to someone lol
  2. your body is simply used to it now
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  3. I doubt its a matter of tolerance,and wouldnt it be like getting less and less high instead of suddenly getting a different high?
  4. no its a matter of your body going from wtf is this to oh this again
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  5. if its freaking you out id stop it all together
  6. Would a theoretical tolerance break help?
    The thing i lack the most is the focus i could get when watching something.I still get a small glimpse of that just after i get a hit but it vanishes quickly,and im getting spaced out with my thoughts
  7. that is what weed does lol
  8. I was getting the deep thoughts but still could focus on the movie i was watching and the thought were mostly about the movie.Thats what made my highs great.But now im getting spaced out thinking about random shit i think while sober,i dont think thats what weed does
  9. they dont call it dope for nothing
  10. similar to but not equal to trying different brews or hard liquors. Whiskey comes right back out me, but a couple shots of tequila and BAM, what happened? Vodka, can mess shit up too, but like a few genuine drafts and the buzz can't be killed.

    I don't even drink all that much either.
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  11. bump,maybe someone knows the answer
  12. It's more so that you've maybe gotten used to the "high" is it the same strain that you've been smoking on?

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  13. If you want that heady spacey high get a pure sativa with 20%thc and you'll most definitely have that trippy high back

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  14. I smoke different stuff from different sellers but i doubt that the weed is the issue,i remember last time when i had that good high,it was 17th december 2015,day before ep 7 of star wars,next one was idk around 27th december and the high was much worse,i mean,still my highs do get me high but i no longer have those vivid images rushing through my head,no weird stories appearing from nowhere,no somatic hallucinations that i loved
  15. how long the tolerance break should be then?
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  16. i had one that was around 20 days,i was on woodstock festival (poland) and even there,i didnt smoke,i thought when ill smoke ill finally get that old high but it was just a bit better than the usual...
  17. Yeah, it's tolerance. You can bump the thread all you want, but that's not going to change the answer. As far as what you're describing in your first post, those extravagant highs are likely never to come back again. That's what you get when your body doesn't know what weed is (as has already been pointed out in this thread) and now and forever on, your body knows what weed is and is not going to react in that original way. To answer the question you pose about getting less high as opposed to a different high, the answer is both.

    Look at it this way: You start a new job and have a new commute. During that first week, your commute is interesting and you notice new things. After that, it's not and you don't. That's what's going on here. Your commute doesn't get shorter because you're used to it, it just gets more lame. Just the high.

    So take at least a month off, but I'd suggest 6-8 weeks. And when you start back up, don't go back to the amount you're smoking now. Start slowly. I've had t-breaks where I went right back to smoking a lot on day 1, and that first week was special and then it wasn't. But when I've started using very little again, and then building up, I had great highs for a long time.
  18. thanks for the first sophisticated reply,but i dont bump it because i dont believe its the tolerance issue,but because i seek an answer and the tolerance issue seemed very unlikely for me as i was smoking for numerous times and my highs have always been extravagant like i described,and they suddenly shifted to a pretty much opposite - instead of focusing on the enviroment i get locked in my head,instead of being able to think of crazy cool places and landscapes my imagination actually stops working,only good thing that remained are the quite deep thoughts,and i wonder if this is still something that tolerance break would fix?

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