My Highary. (High diary)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mairuzu, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Spent 3 hours+ reading this. Just plain awesome
  2. this used to be my favorite thread, come back Mairuzu!
  3. I asked my girlfriend to name 10 pokemon and she said "Balthazar"

    Shes an awesome chick though. A stoner couldnt... or shouldnt.. ask for much more.

    Easy going, not a hassle, patient and understanding. But to ease away from this gushy mushy shit I wanted to mention that a lot of her friends, or accquantances, are dip shits. As attractive as a girl can be, isnt there still some shit that can just turn you off? I guess its because im not desparate anymore but im glad Im with the one im with and not them lol, I feel as if I saved my girlfriend from becoming one of them. She was on the verge.

    I dont know how to explain their stupidity because I just realized that no one in the world is stupid, they are just ignorant and/or their interest are focused elsewhere.

    To explain it as best I could... these are the girls and dudes who spammed their facebook with Kony 2012! As if it was the most important shit in the world going on right now. I remember being so pissed that it got so much attention with all the other shit going on caused by our own governement. I commented on their spams and holy fuck is it hard to be a dick and polite at the same time. How do you tell someone to stop being a fuckin idiot?? Its impossible.
  4. Man im with you on that one bro. The whole Kony shit was so fucking annoying. That shits been happening there for YEARS! People are only starting to care because the guy got caught and it was put on the tv.
  5. If only that movie The Machine Gun Preacher came out sooner. Even that guy (in real life) stated how Kony is only a slight problem to the big picture. It just pisses me off that all that man power and exploitation of it could have been put to use for something more serious, like shit thats going on with our own government. Such a wasted opportunity.

    Then it was even more fucked up when that dude went crazy outside his house naked as fuck
  6. lol dude you're still doing your diaries! that's extraordinarily awesome!
  7. Since this has been like 3 years in the making I started reading my entire thread. Some of these things I wrote I cant even fuckin remember happening hahahha. That tends to happen to us though.

    Maybe thats why the years go by so fast? Because we dont make each and every day memerable.

    I've always wanted to buy a nice video camera and just record each and every day, at least the important/funny things. Like today there was this fucking helicopter hovering over the our city a little ways west of my house but I could see it and I know everyone in the neighborhood could hear it because it was early as fuck in the morning and it woke me up. Wish i had one of those powerful ass ice lazers, or whatever its called.

    But back on topic, yeah, recording shit everyday. Would be good for my family and loved ones if I just happened to die randomly one day and It would be pretty comforting for them if I get old and have all this damn video footage.

    Like lets say me and my wife grow old as fuck and all of a sudden im dead and shes all alone but she has these videos to watch until shes ready to go.

    But back on the REAL topic since i wasnt really on topic when i originally said "back on topic" fuckin weed.

    I was reading this shit and i had no recollection of this happening. I dont even remember which girlfriend this was. Maybe that pregnant hoe thats about to have a kid.

    Its also funny seeing a lot of comments by members I talk to in other sections without even knowing that they participated in this thread. Like Nasa Joe and Blazen. IM sure theres a few others but im not done reading.
  8. Im sure i talked about death here but I had another episode yesterday when I took a bong hit for the first time in months since I broke every damn bong I have... or someone else broke it, Fuck it.

    Whenever I oversmoke I get this very uncomfortable feeling in me and I start thinking about death and so much crazy BIGGER PICTURE shit. ITs scary as hell and its a very frightening feeling. Not being able to see anyone ever again and then you start looking in the mirror thinking WHAT THE FUCK AM I??

    Why do i look this way? Why are we programmed to look like our parents and how far down the line does that shit go? Whos the originals? Who the fuck made us? Some fucking powerful ass alien? A God? isnt a god technically an alien anyway? Is it evil to not worshop a creator but what if the creator is evil and its evil to be good. Or what if the creator is evil and forced some good pawn of his to make us. Yeah i get some crazy ass thoughts.

    But when im this high i just walk all over the house in deep thought scared shitless. My girlfriend was on the phone laughing with her friend on whatever the hell they were talking about while i was prancing around thinking about death. I kept kissing her head thinking


    Shes like "yeah yeah yeah" and starts laughing on the phone again. So im like AH SHIT MAN IM ALONEEE

    So then I see this picture of my mother and my 4 aunts with my great grandmother whos still alive right there in the middle of them all. MAde me feel better. I guess we're all going to the same place in the end, whever that is.

    *So the moral of the story... we all share death. So fuck it. Smo.

    *And also, dont overfill the bowl of a bong if you havent fuckin smoked in a long ass time.

    *Breaking bad is awesome as fuck.

  9. [​IMG]

    I'm way too high...
  10. Read all this in one sitting, and must was awesome.
  11. i love this shit. keep it comin!
  12. Hah, this thread. Right on bro. i thought it was funny when I got rep from a post in 2010 :laughing:
  13. hey man, so u were saying when ur way baked that you have these deep and scary thoughts. i understand exactly what ur saying, but ive thought a questioned since i was 6 years old, i interrigated my mom about santa and got it out of her that he wasnt real with plain logic, i was in the 2nd grade. i became athiest/agnostic in grade 4 at a catholic school, lets just say i started to relize i shouldnt question preists in school (suspensions). but now that i smoke i find my mind can move alot faster through subjects and issues i question and appy logic, i can destroy a persons belief syaytem within 5 mins, i have had kids stare at me with blank faces, just not understanding what to think of their beliefs, but i relized that might not be a good thing, the truth in logic is depressing, death, all that, it leads nowhere. i find myself living with no purpose or faith, so to me its shitty, the lies and illusions is what keeps people sane, stupidity and ignorance is nessecary so the whole world doesnt feel the way i do, but i can deal with it better than nmost, i get high. i hav fun i live to enjoy the short time here, fuck working ur ass off ur whole life, id rather have less and more fun than have more and have little fun.. i think alot of us here would agree
  14. You apparently still can't spell though...
  15. dude this shoulda been a fucking book..I woulda bought it :p
  16. #736 Mairuzu, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012

    "Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and we're one again after the fall." -S.O.A.D.

    I can't really remember when I started realizing santa was fake. I'm not sure if it would mess a kids mind up to believe it for so long either. Who knows. Maybe it was when I was really young and saw that he only took one bite of my cookie and sipped only a little bit of milk. (Obviously it was my mother trying to leave evidence of santa taking it even though taking the entire milk and cookie away would have been better evidence)

    I immediately thought, "Hey, why the fuck does a fat man running around all day leave a delicious cookie and milk not even half way eaten?"

    Then as years went on, as if that moment triggered my inner sherlock holmes, I started snooping around during christmas. I remember one year seeing a present under my moms bed that read to me, or my brother (cant remember), from santa and I'm like WAIT A GOSH DAMN MINUTE.

    We use to have one of the neighbors come over the house as santa during xmas eve at our family parties. So when I was a kid, those parties pretty much sealed the deal for me that he was real and that this moment is awesome and im special as fuck cause hes at my house. Maybe thats why im a huge asshole. Lmao

    But when I started snooping outside to see where this fucker came from. Then I found out which neighbor he was, one of the old family friends. He passed away a few years ago. Now that Im older I appreciate what my family did for us as kids and what he did. That shit was epic.

    It didnt really make me question much after. I was still under the STATIST ILLUSION being taught in public schools and all. Thats more dangerous than anything. What brought me out of that was when I first smoked pot after years of propaganda from government against it. From that point on it was like.... "WHAT OTHER BULLSHIT IS GOING ON HERE!?"

    Now I'm like a 24/7 snooper trying to figure out the world around me. All this government bullshit. I don't have beef on religion though, only bad people.

    At first I thought you were talking to me because reading this reply was quicker than the post above. Then I read the post above and felt good again.
  17. I totally got banned 
  18. Fucking epic fucking thread bro.....<filler words...

    Subbed and rated, will read when more high....
  19. Why did they ban him :(
    We can't discuss moderator actions, but the reality is he pretty much banned himself. I hardly agreed with him on anything political, but always thought he was a good dude. Then he did himself in. :smoke:

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