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My high, anyone else?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by drasumok, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Whats happenin guys, I'm brand new to this forum. I've been toking for about 3 years now on and off. I just got into college and smokin some pretty narly bud. I don't know what it's called but I was wondering about my high, and if anyone else gets the same high I do.
    Sometimes when I blaze I feel like I'm shaking alot if it were cold or something. It didn't bother me till it was noticeable to someone else. I just feel like I get all figgity and not calm. I want to have a calm, mellowed high. Not geekin the whole time. Just a statement.

    -Stay high:smoke:
  2. Would happen to me sometimes when I first started smoking on a regular basis. Try smoking a little less, maybe take a hit or two, wait 5 minutes and see how you feel before smoking more.

    Sativa-dominant strains also tend to be more energetic and invoke racing thoughts etc. Try smoking an indica, see how you react, tends to be more of a body buzz. If you already are smoking an indica, try sativa. Different types of bud can effect everyone differently so you will have to see what's best for you.

    Or, maybe it's in your head and it will just take some self-convincing, you might be too nervous or having anxiety issues when you blaze, just tell yourself to take it easy and relax.
  3. doesn't happen to me at all...what you smoking? crack? ;)
  4. Yeah man I'm high now and I think it'll just be self-convincing because when I told my doctor that I smoked while I was his patient and he said that because my muscle in my back was in knots so my body wasn't releasing endorphins properly. So that I would flooded with them while high, that may be it.
  5. or maybe your just really high:rolleyes:
  6. or maybe your just really high:smoke:
  7. or maybe your just really high :eek:
  8. Any strain with the name kush in it will be a indica by the way. I would recommend trying kush and seeing how you do.
  9. Yeah I remember smokin some bubblegum OG kush and I didn't get all jittery, and yeah I was really high on that last post. College life gotta love it.:smoke:

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