My health teacher

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by yayayaya, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. Hey so my health teacher today had us talk about 4/20 and gave his whole spiel on how its so bad for you and what not. Anyways, one of his points he came across was that weed isnt just a natural plant like people say it is. But that it is no longer natural because of constant bio-genetic tampering to try to create better plants. Anyone know anything about this?
  2. Yea, he's got his head up his ass, that's what.

    I'll give you a free pro-tip : a lot of teachers don't know what the hell they're talking about.
  3. your teacher is a drone spewing government propaganda. tell him to eat shit.
  4. all they are doing is breeding the plants and tweaking them to bring out the preferred qualities like big buds, higher thc%, faster growth, etc...

    they do that with our corn, potatoes, tomatoes, livestock, they do it with everything.... his argument isnt very good if that's his basis.

    My policing professor was telling us the other day that marijuana is so dangerous because of all the fertilizers and shit on it, but its only in the plants if they are not flushed properly and that would not be the case if it was legalized and regulated like any other industry.

  5. yup. I remember my health teacher waaay back in high school. he told me weed could kill me. I believed him at the time.
    HAHA :bongin:

  6. wait- you mean you didn't know that marijuana was manufactured in a meth lab?
  7. dude u should tell him to stfu my health teacher is like pro legalization and doesnt say wether or not to do it
  8. ask him to cite his sources then tear him apart with facts. nothing like humiliating a fool with all the answers.

    who cares if hes a teacher, if you believe hes wrong then tell him so. you probably already missed your chance though.
  9. Yes, you do not realize how important it is/was to do that.

    Don't look at it from the perspective of attacking HIM...look at it as you letting some of those impressionable young students believe those lies.

  10. no im not saying that i believed it, i was just saying that it somewhat made sense but still, the argument of we dont know the effects of higher percentages of THC (in which they claim is in the plants way more compared to the 60's weed) and that it can be damaging for the brain yadayada government bullshit.
  11. I find it hilarious how people cite made-up health effects for reasons why marijuana should remain illegal, and yet they have no problem with tobacco staying legal, even though it kills hundreds of thousands of people per year.

    It's simply amazing.
  12. tobacco killed more people in the time it took me to write this than marijuana ever has. But thats a fact and them government drones have never been keen on facts.
  13. Damn. I would've ripped that fucker to shreds... People who are ill-informed shouldn't be able to discuss it, as with anything else.
  14. In a lot of places teachers are bound by school policies when teaching subjects such as health. It is very possible that the teacher faces termination if he casts things like Illegal Drugs in positive light.

    I wouldn't jump down his throat too much as it is pretty impossible to know the details here.
  15. The one thing to always remember when dealing with educational instructors:
    "Those who can't, teach."
  16. I got expelled from school today for being high, when the nurse checked me she was worried by my extremely high heart rate...
    I SWARE to god she said "I don't really think weed is bad, but so many dealers lace it with things like LSD and Heroine, that any time you smoke it is a risk!!!"

    hahaha. If the situation wasn't extremely serious I would of busted out laughing any other time :/
  17. think about it though, the irony of that statement is that if it was legal, you wouldn't really have to worry about it being "laced" with anything (which is still extremely rare even if you buy cheap mexican crap".

  18. it depends what he means by natural, by his standard there are a hell of a lot of things that wouldn't be considered natural, for instance: cats, dogs, sheep, cows etc. as they have all been effected by generations of breading.
  19. I would LOVE to go back in time to the point when I was in highschool and just crush my health teacher in a debate and dispute everything they say with facts. I dream of getting that moment back, but back then I was uneducated and believed the lies
  20. You make it serious.

    I don't get it...

    You're saying you're ready to do it, but you say that you would have to go back in time.
    No you wouldn't, nothing is stopping you. Plenty of people nowadays are debating on this issue.

    Make it public

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