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my halloween costume *pics*

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ScottBTmaster, Sep 19, 2009.

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  1. Alright you guys, I just had a friend of a friend bring me this from Karachi, Pakistan. I'm pretty sure it is the best halloween costume of all time, tell me what you think.

  2. This halloween....could get interesting...

  3. That's fucking sweet, man.

    I would wear it.
  4. yeah man i'd def wear that pink bathrobe.

    But nah that costume is badass man.
  5. hahahah that is great.
    Imagine when the day comes "So.....Who are you supposed to be?":hello:
  6. I don't mean to be a part pooper here, but as an Arab myself, I find this kind of offensive......
  7. Lol....
  8. um not funny at all
  9. lmfao

    mind fuck idea:listen to this

    trafficking drugs. tons of people get stopped for drug offences everyday. WHEN THE FUCK IN YOUR SANE MIND WOULD YOU STOP A BITCH WEARING THAT THING.

    you could walk the down the street with kilos under that thing and the cops wouldnt do shit!! the cops dont stop those people.
  10. Why does this seem to be slowly turning into more of a racist thread?:mad:
  11. When a sniffer dog starts humping your leg and your dressed in that thing, im pretty sure the cops would just open fire lol.
  12. Relax man. It's not harming anyone. Seems like you're digging to find racism. Smoke a bowl and try not to give a fuck as much.
  13. Yeah i agree. I wasn't going to comment on it as i didn't want it to seem like it's an issue.
    There really nothing racist in here.
  14. So you think talking about traditional/religious Arab clothing to hide bombs is not racism???

    Forum Rules:
    I find this to thread to be right under those three.
  15. He's not being if he were to run up and down streets yelling "HALLLA HALLL ALLAH!!!!"

    now...that would definitely would be racist. But to wear this as a HALLOWEEN COSTUME is no more racist than a kid dressing up as a Native American, a white guy dressed as Mr. T, a guy dressed as a Rabbi, or a priest or nun costume. Common now don't throw that word around so quickly. Racist is a strong word that is thrown around way too much these days.:smoke:
  16. I understand it was meant to be in good fun, but this did get offensive quite quickly, and I'm not one to just sit and take it when I feel offended by something.
  17. Bombs were not meantioned untill just now.
    I think this thread should have been posted in pandoras box tho.
  18. I understand that, but that was not what really got to me. It was the comment about hiding bomb, and getting shot when a sniffer dog humps a leg that was offensive.
  19. that is a fucking awesome shower.
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