my hair is falling out and im worried.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by mercules, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. i am a young girl and my hair has been falling out much more than usual for the last few weeks.

    i recently dyed it black, but it started before that. i take good care of it and have not changed any of my routine. i hardly straighten it or apply heat, either.

    i used to be anorexic, and this happened to me then, too.

    it's not falling out in clumps, but if i run my hand through it i get a handful. if you guys can help me out at all that would be great i'm really worried.
  2. Do you have much stress in your life?
  3. Stress could definitely be a factor.

    What are you genetics like? :p

    If you have a family history of hair loss, I'm not sure there's much we can do to help... :hide:
  4. no i dont stress i smoke weed man. and i have a family history of . . . depression and valium? i'm afraid its my diet
  5. maybe eat some vitamins fish oil tablets are supposed to make you hair strong
  6. get on women's one a day and mediate more. perhaps something recently uncentered you?
  7. uncentered ... great word. thanks for the help guys. smoke much!
  8. how long is your hair? im a guy but ive noticed when i let my hair get really long, like touching my shoulders, it starts to get heavy and fall out more than when its short. ive got pretty thick, heavy, wavy hair. after it gets cut it seems to be fine again?
  9. I'm not sure how active you are, but I highly suggest implementing exercise. I don't know much about hair loss problems (I'm lucky, I have great genetics there), but I'm sure that the increased blood flow would be a good thing.

    Things like this are usually a sign of health problems. I think you'd be right to look at your diet. Cut down (or out) sugars and as many refined foods as you can.

    I'm not positive, but I'd be willing to bet that would help a ton.

    On a side note, I'm glad that you're no longer anorexic. I dated a girl that was anorexic for a time (yes, I did help her as much as I was able), and saw what it can do to you. Good for you that you stopped.
  10. my hair is not quite down to my shoulders but its not particularly heavy. it doesnt look like its really thinning yet, so its not falling out all that fast.

    ive had a lot of vitamin defficiencies as well. i dont eat meat either, maybe im not gettting enough protein?

    on a side note, im cold all the time. i hope i dont have any disease. :-(
  11. Cold all the time sounds like circulation issues, but I'm not sure. I'd surf WebMD a bit and see what you can find there.
  12. i checked and theres no exact matches. my mother has scleroderma, which is a circulatory disease, that part could be genetic but its kindof a new thing. :(
  13. going bald blows sniff sniff :cry: i hate buzzing my head all the time.
  14. well i am having the same problem. I stress and smoke weed, so i took a dive into the net and there is a forum dedicated to people talking about how ganja may lead to hair loss in some people. A lot of people have posted back about a month or so after their first post and they say that it may have been the cause since they feel the hairs that were in the dormant stage growing again.

    I don't know what to say about it though, most people and some doctors claim that it may be due to smoking on a daily basis and the chemicals stick to your follicles and prevents it from getting the right amount of oxygen so your hair doesn't grow at the pace it should. (makes sense to me)

    :confused:Then again stress could be a big factor too, but i am a male so i may just have male pattern baldness kickin' in. I wish i could see a doc about it but i do not have medical insurance so i have to rely on the net right now which kinda sucks because you don't know what to believe on here.

    I will try things out too by cutting down my intake of ganja because lately i feel like it gives me more stress then it should sometimes and try to work with the stress problem by working out more often, eating right, and trying to avoid smoking on a daily basis for a while and see where that takes me.

    Id say the best option if you can is to seek professional help.
  15. You say that you used to be anorexic, and this is a symptom of anxorexia, as is you saying you're cold all the time, so there's a possibility that your body is not getting enough nutrients as a result of your currently restricted diet.

    I suggest you go see a doctor and they can tell you exactly what is going on.
  16. I'm not a doctor or anything. But, I've known a lot of vegetarians who've had their hair fall out to a certain degree. Basically, it is probably a dietary problem. For the hair loss, I would recommend increasing your protein, vitamin D and E intake. As for the problem with being cold all the time, you could be slightly anemic if you don't eat meat and you don't get enough iron from other food sources. And, having your past condition, you could be very succeptible to a nutrient deficiency. Especially since you're a vegetarian...

    Hope I helped. Take care of yourself...:eek:
  17. Since your mom has a very serious (often fatal) autoimmune disease and these tend to run in families you may want to strongly consider seeing a doctor. You could be hypothyroid (Autoimmune hypothyroidism)
    Best to get it checked.
  18. I have a minor problem with that, it's because of extreme stress, poor diet (which I improved and has helped a ton) and I bleach my hair.

    Over processing your hair will make it weaker and break, even fall out. I wouldn't change your hair color any time soon. Do you style it? If you put it in rollers, that can cause it to weaken and break. Flat iron can cause damage, as well as heavy blow dying. I would not use rollers, and be very careful with flat irons (try a thermal protector.)

    I find yes, smoking helps with stress and possibly more hair loss. It is a sign of anexoria; if you still struggle, try smoking more. If it helps, eat just low fat but eat a lot of it. Stuff like that. Also, take olive oil every day; it has omega 3s which are fantastic.

    Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, nuts of most kinds, especially almonds, are also very helpful, but go easy on them as you only need like a handful a day.

    Eating unhealthy, not getting the right nutrients, is also a factor... try to cut down on fast food, junk food, and eat more veggies and fruits. Yogurt, cheese, milk is also good. Protein is great for the body.

    Lastly some women suffer from a rare condition that makes them lose hair; it can be treated by your doctor. So above all, consult your doctor.

    Hope that helps, and stay strong! It can be reversed.

    Edit- I don't know if you eat diary, but I would strongly suggest it, eggs too, because you lack vital protein and other nutrients without meat. I personally don't really eat meat myself either; I found lentils to be a great substitute, as well as other beans, and of course, diary (low fat.)
  19. Yeah, i agree, hit up the doctor. He may tell you something you don't wanna hear, but fuck, it's better than having no hair, thats for damn sure.

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