Hey grasscity, I'm completely new to this forum, but have been a reader for atleast months now. I'm a 18 year old from a random little city in Canada. Weed is probably the sweetest stuff on earth and i've been DREAMING about growing ever since i started smoking. My buddy SWIM is a dealer and he sells me all my dope ect ect. Recently me him, and our other buddy SWIM2 had a big shrooms epiphany and discovered we had the perfect conditions for growing, his basement. My buddy swim gave me some seeds and i started planting them. First batch werent too good, the squirells ate them. The second batch i put about 15 seeds into a glass of water, and presto. Germination. I was amazed! ANYWAYS, not that you all want to hear about germination or boring sheet like that. I grew those 15 seeds into about 10 babys, which were later transported to swim2's house. We bought 2 lighting fixtures with 4 fluerescent tubes, chains for holding, ect ect. everything over there is going extremely good. all the plants are going from 1-2.5 feet already, and its been close to 20 days? i also kept a plant for myself that i wanted to watch outdoors. He's been doing good and is the same age as the others, hes apx 2-3 feet tall and is growing 9 fingered leaves already. Heres some progress pics of the outdoor, (indoor pics coming mad soon boys). Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (a month old) ps a few questions i need answered: 1. My outdoor plant is getting little bitemarks in the leaves, i found a "leaf-like" bug in my plant, it flew away but i have a feeling that they are the culprits. I've sprayed my plant with vinigar to lower the smell because it danks up my whole backyard, and today i sprayed it with antibacterial soap/chili powder, we'll see how that goes. 2. 2 of my indoor plants are growing with purple stems, the whole plant isnt purple, just the upper part of the stem, they look cream, not sure if this is just a defficiency or what. Let me know your thoughts!
possible plants indoors isnt getting enough co2, kinda like our legs turns purple with poor circulation, suspect nutes lock in root system, maybe a flush is needed. wait for others to chime in though hehe
Thats what we were thinking, but we put a fan in there as much as possible to strengthen the stems ect ect. It seems to be working a little but the lights are on 24/7 so it gets really humid in there.
Purple stems are normal and if you go to the organics section there is a stickie on natural insecticides
would they not know if there strain came with purple stems? its only like 5% of strains that could possible produce actual purple stems from genetics?
1 - Purple Stems could be a result of that wonderful thing we call genetics, if this is the reason, you are to expect a purple stem throughout the life of the plant. 2 - A baby sprout with a purple stem is almost always 100% natural. Young seedlings are still adjusting to their environment and may be slightly lacking in a Nutrient. If this is the case, healthy plants will regain their green/greenish-brown color within a few days to a week or two. 3 - If you have ruled out the possibilities of genetics and the seedlings adjustments to life, you should begin looking for a nutrient deficiency. Purple stems are commonly caused by a Phosphorous (P) or Magnesium deficiency, if there is a P deficiency you may also notice symptoms such as brittle leaves or greyish spots.
true, i was just figuring one is outdoor not purpling getting plenty of co2..same strain indoors purpling... just my opinion
Well to be honest i may have confused you guys. We have 11 plants in total im pretty sure, there a mix of seeds, from weed swim has gathered over time. Alot of the strains were lemon kush, and i think we had a few purple kush seeds. I guess only time will tell, but hopefully its wonderful genetics . I'll snap some piccys to show you guys soon - also, with the outdoor plant going 12/12 or even less or more during the day im mystified by how thick and big it is compared to the indoors, i suppose the rainwater and windy days are helping the outdoor sucker. at what size should i start looking towards going 12/12 indoors? we've been at 24/7 for 3-4 weeks?
A plant once put under 12/12 will double to triple in size easily. So, it depends on how much space you have and how long you want to veg for. Keep in mind you can veg for as long as you want and flowering usually takes 8-12 weeks.
i told swim to put the plans 12/12, we'll see how that goes ! . Some of my babies are getting nute burn, if its small it shouldnt wreck too much? im currently trying to flush them.
Another pair of leaves with 9 fingers developed today. They are getting little insect bitings on them still ! only about 1/8th of 1/9 fingers is getting eaten. big problem ?
Don't let it turn into a big problem. Take precautions now and starting spraying them at night or when the light is off. Neem oil works well, but gonna warn you now it smells TERRIBLE. Like an old shitty diaper. You can either mix that with water and spray it and deal with the smell, or buy some stuff called AzaMax which is practically the same (organic) but it doesnt smell bad like neem oil. But it's a hefty price on Azamax, 4 oz is like $18 Good luck!
I havent read through the whole thread but I would trust what BYOweed says,I mean have you seen his plants,he seem really experienced at growing.Damn I feel so jealous right now .
I just spilled pure neem in my kitchen last week .......oh the wife...oh the horror But yes it sure does work
Haha! oh god! better make sure she doesn't "spill" your pots over in return aha! but thanks guys, im not too concerned just because its a big plant and im watching it constantly. BUT im concerned that they start eating the new leaves way before there prime, and when they do that the leaves end up coming out fuckulated. Also! headin over to swim2's to check the babies out today. pics will be up later if i make it through my hangover..
[quote name='"Planthead"']Thats what we were thinking, but we put a fan in there as much as possible to strengthen the stems ect ect. It seems to be working a little but the lights are on 24/7 so it gets really humid in there.[/quote] How humid??? Id switch your light to 18/6
[quote name='"Planthead"']Well to be honest i may have confused you guys. We have 11 plants in total im pretty sure, there a mix of seeds, from weed swim has gathered over time. Alot of the strains were lemon kush, and i think we had a few purple kush seeds. I guess only time will tell, but hopefully its wonderful genetics . I'll snap some piccys to show you guys soon - also, with the outdoor plant going 12/12 or even less or more during the day im mystified by how thick and big it is compared to the indoors, i suppose the rainwater and windy days are helping the outdoor sucker. at what size should i start looking towards going 12/12 indoors? we've been at 24/7 for 3-4 weeks?[/quote] 24/7 for 3-4 weeks using what type of light source...I'm guessing t5's...vegging should occur for 1-2 months depending on space I guess. Anywhere from 1-2 feet tall and you should start flowering