My Grow House getting torn down!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by White Smoke, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I'm currently growing outdoors, at a abandon burned down house. I thought that it would be safe. Their tearing it down in the next week or less! I need to transplant my plant out of there. The plant is only about 4 weeks old at tops. And is only like 6 or so inches tall. Maybe less, but has about 3 layers of leaves. I've put some time into this plant so far and don't want to loose her. I need to move her, does anyone have any ideas of where to put her? I can't grow in my house because I still live with my mom.
  2. Nearby woods, find another house, fields?
  3. "sigh" Well I wish I could find another abandon house but there really isn't any around here. Same with the woods situation. There literally is NONE. idk.
    Plus, another reason why I want to move the plant is that too many ppl know the spot. A kid saw me go in one day. Went back there and sure enough saw it. Talked to me the next day. At first I denied it but he knew it was mine. He told his friend and you get the picture ..:(
    That is reli the MAIN reason I want to move her. Once the house gets torn down, I'm hoping that it isn't just a empty lot. I'm hoping there is some rubble in the middle so you CAN'T see the plant anymore. I'll just tell the kids that it got torn down with the house. But all he has 2 do is go back their again, and find it... AGAIN... It's just anoyying because I put so much time into growing and every time Something crazy and ridiculas happens and all goes too hell! :mad:
  4. That sux for you man, there's a lot of abandoned houses in my neighborhood, and you can get into a few
    of I'm thinking about starting up a windowsill grow and then moving it behind one of the houses...not sure yet. Best of luck to you and your plant.
  5. #5 White Smoke, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    ^^ Just be carfeul, if the local police get bored, they might bug a certain "hot" abandon house. I just hope she survives.. :( (my plant)
  6. As bad as it sounds, I would say it is better to be safe than sorry. If you cannot find a prime re-location I would destroy it. You were already spotted and things can get worse down the road for you if it is not out of there, especially now that you know there will are other visitors on their way. In the near future start fresh at a safe(r) spot and grow to the best of your ability then. Good luck to you
  7. Should I at least try and recover the plant and transport it somewhere else?
  8. You gotta know when to hold em, and when to fold em. This is a time to accept defeat. You should take her out of there, turn her to ashes, and scatter her.
  9. You should bail on this grow man, too dangerous. LEO's can and will find out about it especially if some kid and all of his buddies know. He may have taken some of them to show them this plant.

    The security situation is out of control. To many people know about it and you have no way of knowing what those people will say or do. Please don't continue this grow, I hate seeing people getting busted.

    No 6" plant is worth your freedom if you dont know these kids then I would just never go back. You can always grow more thats the beauty of this lifestyle. Be SAFE!
  10. #10 White Smoke, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Well I want to go back and get her, but I really don't want to risk it. I think I will just find a new spot and grow with a close friend. (He doesn't open his mouth, he's cool.)
  11. #11 White Smoke, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Well, I took her out of there and replanted her in a smaller pot. It reli sucks because I didn't know how to take her from the ground to a pot so I think I might have killed her .. :(. But Here is a few pics I just took of her.
    The problem is that You can pretty much completly take the plant out of the soil and it's just attached to a long root. I just tried to dig a hole in the soil and put the root in the dug hole. Hoping that it MIGHT re-root itself back into the soil.
    P.S. ~ Would any nuts help it? I only have miracle grow nuts right now. I'm sure what there called exactly. I just want her to live.

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  12. Anybody? The plant will prob. die within the next few hours so any help is appriacted.
  13. get a cfl first of all and second the roots might not have gone that deep depending on the soil layers and such in ur area but im not sure but i do knoow that incandescent lightbulb is not helpin
  14. It's a cfl bro
    23 w. And just for now I'm moving it back outside by tonight to a dif. location.
    But yea its a CFl. You can't see it all that well in the picture so I get how you thought it wasn't cfl.
  15. #15 White Smoke, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    The plant is some wilting a little bit. The top f her is looking normal and for the most part the leaves are wilting a bit. I really don't understand why she isn't dead yet. I'm surpirsed, because you can yank it up and it's just so lookse in the soil. It's ridiculas, I wan't her to live so bad. I'm just kindda hoping now..
    Edit: It looks like she may be starting to get her color back :hello:. (The stem was almost complety grown, it looked like the brown was taking over the whole stem, it is now starting to go back to a greenish color. Still a little bit tan on the bottom, but the whole stem is look just genreally better)
    Also on top of the plant, it was all to one side. Now it is more in the center and looks more natural now.
  16. #16 White Smoke, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    idk if you can tell much a dif. but it's look a lot better from where it was 2 hours ago. I twas wilting and looking like it was going to die. Now, it's looking more perkey. But still can be pulled out of the soil in the slightest touch .. :(
    If you pull up on it just a little bit, it feels REALLY loose in the soil.
    Only 1 or 2 leaves are wilting now. instead of the whole thing, like before.

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