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My Girls Turned To Hermies

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PinkFloyd426, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. I just had two out of two plants be hermi's. Not sure how this happened. They came from clones of females.
    Grow room was clean, no males for the last 8 months been around me or the grow room...I just dont know.
    But my question is...(since I want to try and plant some of these "free" seeds), I would like to know how do you know when the seed is mature enough for replanting?
    I have a few weeks left before harvest (3-4 weeks), but the seeds are dark, of normal size, and look healthy and ready, etc.
    Id like to plant some now then they would have about 3-4 weeks of veg since there is about 4 weeks left in the bloom.
    Hope all this made sense. I just need to know how long it takes a seed to become mature enough for planting.

  2. You might get some hermies from the seeds

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  3. #3 pointswest, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
    Don't waste your time planting hermaphroditic seeds from feminized seeds, you will grow more hermaphrodites and pollute the gene pool  even further.  Don't give these seeds to friends, destroy them and get some regular seeds for better stability.
  4. Ok. I wont do it even though it is very tempting. Thanks to the two that responded. Im convinced not to do it.
    Darn...this really puts a big dent into my plans. I really loved this strain. It was my own cross of New York City Sour Diesle and Green Crack. And it was an amazing strain. And has been growing from clones for going on two years.
    Thanks again for the responses!

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