my gf doesn't want me to smoke!

Discussion in 'General' started by Drank, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. Hey. My girlfriend wants me to not smoke at all when we are together. I don't think she understands that it is almost a lifestyle though. I want to make her happy but I also would be giving up a great part of my life...Advice?
  2. Ugh!!!! I went through the same thing with my gf. We aren't together anymore and now she laughs about it.

    I remember one time she wanted to watch a movie together, I was drunk at the time, and wanted to smoke a bowl. She said "If you go out and smoke I am leaving right now" and "Why can't you just sit and watch a movie with me? Why do you have to be high?"

    So I guess it's ok that I am FUCKING DRUNK??? But I can't go smoke a fucking bowl.



    Run man.
  3. if she cant accept you, drop her. seriously, its probably important to you. no you arent choosing weed over her, its just that it starts with her not being cool with weed, then her not being cool with you drinking, then not cool with you talking to other girls or having their numbers, and it will just snowball from there. it is inevitable. do it now before you get too emotionally involved and it can be easy.

    she doesn't understand.

    or show her the union and see if it chsanges her mind

    but if you break up with her fuck her again one last time, just cause
  4. Just hide the fact that you do it. Or break up with her. :hello:

  5. This. This. This.
  6. Well, you have to choose if you would rather have her or weed. Don't change for anyone man, especially a girl. If she can't handle you smoking weed, then she probably can't handle many other things that you do, and she will become jealous like darksmoker said.
  7. Kill her.
  8. Killing part of yourself to make someone else happy never works. Find the person you make happy by being you.
  9. Say this to her:

    No. :smoking::wave::hello:
  10. If you love her and she loves you she will grow out of it. There might be (will be) some growing pains involved but in the end if you belong together she will embrace you for who you are.

    If not...Kick that bitch to the curb. :cool:
  11. dump that bitch.
  12. did the OP's girlfriend just create an account? :smoking:
  13. LMFAO

    I think she did.

    :eek: \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[​IMG]
  14. Dear girlfriend,

    Smoking marijuana is not harmful. Do some research before you tighten the chains around your man.
  15. Throw that bitch in the garbage.

  16. Cannabis has actually been show to DECREASE the risk of respiratory disease. As for the breath a simple solution is vape. I never smell like smoke. Oh yeah, and brush his teeth and it should be golden.

    This seems like a control issue more than a concern issue. ;) :smoking:
  17. Well, I'd say respect her wishes and don't smoke around her. It is a lifestyle, in a way, but if she doesn't want to be around it then so be it. Now, if she told you not to do it at all I'd be a bitch and laugh at her. Ain't nobody gonna stop me from doing what I love. I mean, they get with you knowing you smoke, right? I hate these people who start dating people who smoke and drink and whatever and then a few months into a relationship they start trying to change their bf/gf because they don't like their habits. I would never get with a guy that tried to change my partying/smoking habits. If they don't like it, they don't like me. End of discussion.
  18. I was going to hold back my answer cause I didn't think I'd have to say it.
    Turns out I was wrong.

    Firstly, you need to see if there isn't some agreement you two can come to, perhaps she gives something up for the relationship or you can smoke when shes not around or when you're out with friends.
    You also need to think about what this girl means to you, are you looking for something longterm or are you wanting sex with someone you like?

    My coworker and his wife (who is also my coworker) just celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary with their 3 year old daughter. He is a smoker, with a hippie mom and very free-style life. Shes a country girl from vietnam who is honestly a little naive about... well... a lot. He only smokes when shes not around cause she isn't comfortable with it. But when she catches him high she doesn't give him shit about it. He goes to college, tutors her english (which shes fluent in) teaches his daughter english, works two jobs etc.

    I'm just saying you need to look at how important she is and how important weed is. Can she live with you smoking every now and then? Are you willing to hold off on smoking around her so long as you can smoke later? Relationships are about comprimise. You can never expect to get exactly what you want, and if you walk into a relationship expecting it to work out that way then you're doomed.
    If you feel it can't work without weed then leave her before she gets too attached.

  19. It's a spam bot...
  20. hi Drank.
    like you said, you have a particular lifestyle (that doesn't only include marijuana) and you need to be in a relationship that doesn't cause friction with your natural state. if she doesn't like your lifestyle, dump her and find someone that does ;)

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