My Garden 2023

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by THC God, May 29, 2023.

  1. Here is my Garden

    white smart pot - real Deal GG#4
    black smart pot - Cheetah Piss
    one blue half Drum - Cheese x Tear Gas
    the rest of the half Drums and the Trashcan- Blue Temple x BLR ( Black Lime Reserve)

    The Cheese and Blue Temple are from Aficionado Seeds . According to my Information, the Chef made the crosses.
    IMG_20230528_160402720_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160410397_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160425058_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160431728_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160437511_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160451362_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160455929_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160507179_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160511762_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160526495_HDR.jpg IMG_20230528_160702011_HDR.jpg

    If you pat attention you also can see one of the coolest Fences around.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  2. Damn, this dude ain't fucking around. Girls are all caged in and he's already got the ladder out....gonna be BEASTLYyyyyyyyy

    They are looking super healthy!

    good luck!!

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  3. #3 THC God, May 29, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
    Ty, .... I live in the US, we Cage everything here..........We scrog Shit out, lol Scrog net/ Cage ,the cheapest Tool and accessory for a better Yield !!!!
  4. I forgot, it's Grascity here. The most boring place in the internet........:lmafoe:
  5. Are you talking to yourself? Damn you most be bored....

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