my (fucked up) art *will make sigs*

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by ntg, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. lol :p not bad.
  2. Well done.

    If you feel up to you can go ahead and throw a sig together for me. No requests for content, go crazy.

  3. holy shit that made me fuckin laughso hard fuck
  4. i need a Sig if you want to make one for me. as long as its not to FUCKED. :D
  5. Lmfao....dude I don't know if it's just because I'm pretty high, but I fucking love it.

    Dude make me a sig pleaaaaaaaaaase....:smoke:
  6. Pretty nice stuff dude I liked it keep up the good work!
  7. I'll take a sig:smoking:
  8. #11 lauraisfrknawsm, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
  9. ill rock one of your sigs if you make it as fucked as you can
  10. Yea man. You make a Bomb sig, and I will put your name right next to it.:)
  11. This thread is very Lol worthy. Great sigs dude. Id take one if youve got the time. lol.
  12. I need a Lionel Hutz themed sig. Can you draw Simpsons characters?
  13. hey dude,
    can you please make me one of these sigs?
  14. These are fucking awesome dude. Mind making some kinda 'AHuman' sig? :D

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