My friends act weird when Im high?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by IdoneDidThat, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. So I'm just another typical citizen that works for living and today at work me and my homie E (lets just call him E since I dont want to say he's full name) went to to break to toke up. We got super high and came back to work .As soon as I walked in two of my friends are like "you look really pale," and I tried to hide the fact that I was fucking blazed because I knew they'd act weird. I've smoked with both of them once and neither really likes it. Anyway, as soon as they find out my friend G starts telling everyone and wouldn't take anything I said seriously. I'd say something and she'd just respond with "haha I'm just going to make fun of you because you're high", so I resorted to not talking and just doing my job there pretty bored all hour.

    It's really annoying. Like, yeah, I'm stoned but who gives a fuck, you don'tneed to act super weird and make me feel uncomfortable. My brother does this shit too, except it's more annoying because he'll be high, too. I'll try to say something andhe'll say "you just think that cuz you're high". Yeah maybe, but why does that change anything? Yeah,high is fun, except I suck at acting normal so I feel like everyone knows. I don't get paranoid, I just hate it when sober people know I'm high and act weird about it.

    Its sooo damn annoying. Anyone /vent over.

  2. That sounds super shitty. I would like to be able to say I sympathize, but I only ever really smoke up with my best friend and we're good friends for a reason. We both know the other is only really saying things because we're high af, but like you said, it doesn't change anything. It's just nice to talk with someone and share your high experience.

    Sounds like a total buzzkill. If only people wouldn't look down on others for toking as if its such a negative thing. The only advice I can give is to smoke with chill people or hang around chill people when you're blazed. They're rare, but there are some cool cats out there.
  3. good thing all my friends do drugs Lol.
  4. lol thats middle school behavior, the whole "you're high so your input is just a basis for my unfunny joke." ive seriously never met anyone past the 8th grade that did that; sorry that your friends behave in such a way.
  5. I hate when people act different when you get high. Its like they think they are better because they do use weed or I don't need weed to have fun like fuck u dude just cause I'm buzzed and felling ok don't mean you gotta act like a weird little fucker lol.
  6. Sounds like a dumb AF high school girl. I had a friend like this too he would always ask me "you good?" act all condescending, and treat me like I was a little kid. People that don't understand weed and buy into the bullshit propaganda really piss me off you know that? In fact, I'd venture to say people who don't smoke weed piss me off in general.
  7. get new friends
  8. I've been through that shit. Mostly when I was like 16/17 working in this ghetto ass fine dining restaurant. This redneck bitch would come up with some comment about me being high every fucking shift. I'm gonna be real with you though.h. Spiders will kill your mood faster than anything . they

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