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My friend recorded me while i was stoned

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by NorthernLights2, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. ok so my "friend" recorded me over xbox saying i was stoned and he says hes gonna tell my parents. any idea what i should do?:confused:
  2. Beat his ass, steal his stash
  3. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']Beat his ass, steal his stash[/quote]

  4. Rape his dog and fuck his sister!
  5. I don't think XBL conversations are really "proof" of anything, considering how much bullshit is discussed there.
  6. [ame=]the flaming lips One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21 - YouTube[/ame]

    Listen to this and bake out :hello:
  7. Bust up his xbox, then his face.
  8. i cant fight him then obviously my parents will ask why i fought him and then theyll know
  9. Did you listen to that song I posted?
  10. Wait to see if he actually rats you out. If he does, then beat him up. If you're already in trouble for smokin' weed, then what's a little fight gonna change?
  11. i am in the process of doing so
  12. Change your gamertag. How would they know it's you if it isn't the same gamertag. People sound a lot different over xbox
  13. I saw them live. I went to their tourbus, it was behind the venue and I smoked a bowl with Wayne Coyne, the lead singer. It was sick, he's a sweet guy
  14. They'll know that he gave false information and you were defending your reputation/honor, right? :devious:

    I'm not gonna ask why your parents need to be aware of who you fight or why him telling your parents isn't a good thing...don't want to seem like the age police :D

    So you've smoked with Wayne Coyne and Paul Banks? Damn. :p
  15. your friend is a bitch.... He is just mad you arent smoking him

    He is also Blackmailing you, so just get even. You know what will piss him off if its your friend. Payback is a bitch

    Edit: This situation makes you guys seem 12 years old
  16. [quote name='Veggietales']Change your gamertag. How would they know it's you if it isn't the same gamertag. People sound a lot different over xbox live
    my parents would know if its my voice though
  17. How the fuck did he record your voice?
    And would someone really come up to your parents saying "Listen to this recording of your son"

    Seriously, this is way out of proportion man.
    Just chill, and keep playing xbox.
  18. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']
    I saw them live. I went to their tourbus, it was behind the venue and I smoked a bowl with Wayne Coyne, the lead singer. It was sick, he's a sweet guy[/quote]

    Woooaaah!!! Wayne coyne? Man how was the sesh?
  19. It was sick, here's a pic from the show:"

  20. this may sound kinda stupid but hes a really big nerd and he really cares about his grades. hes in a cooking class of mine at school and i can fuck up his cookies lol

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