My friend, Mark, should be a fucking comedian!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Captain Canada, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Back when I was in high school, I had this friend named Mark who was the class clown. We had a substitute for a week and Mark couldn't stand her, so whenever she said something, he's have a sly remark to make back.

    One day when we were in her class, she more or less called Mark an idiot. Mark just bit his tongue and didn't say a word in fear of getting himself in trouble. The teacher looked at Mark and said " Where was your comeback for that one?" Mark smiled and said " If I wanted my come back, I'd scrape it off the back of your throat."

    I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life..
  2. LMAO. Thats hilarious because i can totally picture it in my head from back in my high school days.
  3. Very witty, that. :hello:
  4. it's funny but i hate it when my peers are dicks to the teachers.
  5. I swear I've seen an almost identical post on here before...something about two kids arguing? Pretty much the exact same "comeback" line was used.

    I didn't come on here just to sound like a dick though. Becoming a successful comedian is one of the hardest things to do in life. I give props to anyone who can hold a relevance with their standup comedy nowadays.
  6. Yeah he should be a comedian just like Carlos Mecia. ;)
  7. what a boss:cool:
  8. Carlos Mencia is a fucking prick who steals material.

  9. I think.... that was the joke.
  10. Since you didn't include what happened after, I don't believe this story at all
  11. is I the only one who doesn't get it:confused_2:

  12. Exactly.
  13. Pretty damn funny he said that to a teacher but that joke is old as hell

  14. Most definitely.
  15. Haha wow.
  16. come back = cum back

    cum = semen

    If he wanted his semen back, he'd have scraped it off the back of her throat.
  17. i cant believe you had to explain that haha
  18. that jokes old so wasnt witty on his part, it wasnt even his material.
  19. So the dude made a joke about an old substitute suckin his dick...?

    ain't that kinda yucky?

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